'use strict'; function isObject(item) { return item && typeof item === 'object' && !Array.isArray(item); } function merge(target, source) { for (const key in source) { if (isObject(target[key]) && isObject(source[key])) { merge(target[key], source[key]); } else { target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; } module.exports = hexo => { if (!hexo.locals.get) return; var data = hexo.locals.get('data'); if (!data) return; /** * Merge configs from _data/next.yml into hexo.theme.config. * If `override`, configs in next.yml will rewrite configs in hexo.theme.config. * If next.yml not exists, merge all `theme_config.*` into hexo.theme.config. */ if (data.next) { if (data.next.override) { hexo.theme.config = data.next; } else { merge(hexo.config, data.next); merge(hexo.theme.config, data.next); } } else { merge(hexo.theme.config, hexo.config.theme_config); } if (hexo.theme.config.cache && hexo.theme.config.cache.enable && hexo.config.relative_link) { hexo.log.warn('Since caching is turned on, the `relative_link` option in Hexo `_config.yml` is set to `false` to avoid potential hazards.'); hexo.config.relative_link = false; } hexo.config.meta_generator = false; // Custom languages support. Introduced in NexT v6.3.0. if (data.languages) { var { language } = hexo.config; var { i18n } = hexo.theme; var mergeLang = lang => { i18n.set(lang, merge(i18n.get([lang]), data.languages[lang])); }; if (Array.isArray(language)) { for (let lang of language) { mergeLang(lang); } } else { mergeLang(language); } } };