############################### Basic Information ############################### info: name: Volantis version: '2.1.3' docs: https://volantis.js.org/ cdn: # To use CDN, write 'use_cdn: true' in 'blog/_config.yml'. css: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-volantis@2.1.3/css/style.css js: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-volantis@2.1.3/js/app.js ############################### Style ############################### style: max_width: 1080px # Sum of body width and sidebar width navbar: height: 64px effect: [shadow, blur] # [shadow, floatable, blur] sidebar: effect: [shadow] # [shadow, floatable, blur] body: effect: [shadow] # [shadow, floatable, blur] highlight: language: true # show language of codeblock copy_btn: true text_align: # left, right, justify, center h1: left h2: left h3: left h4: left p: justify gap: h2: 2.5em # Spacing above H2 h3: 1.5em # Spacing above H3 h4: 1em # Spacing above H4 line: 1rem # Paragraph spacing inline: .5rem # Paragraph spacing within a block border_radius: card: 12px codeblock: 4px searchbar: 8px button: 4px tabs: shadow_level: 1 # 0, 1, 2, 3 fontsize: root: 16px h1: 1.625rem h2: 1.375rem h3: 1.25rem h4: 1.125rem h5: 1rem h6: 1rem body: 1rem list: .9375rem meta: .875rem code: .8125rem footnote: .75rem fontfamily: bodyfont: name: 'Varela Round' url: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-fonts/VarelaRound/VarelaRound-Regular.ttf weight: normal style: normal # codefont: # name: 'Monaco' # url: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-fonts/Monaco/Monaco.ttf # weight: normal # style: normal # color: # site: '#21232F' # Website background color # card: '#444' # Card background color # text: '#fff' # The color of the text on the card. # theme: '#ff9800' # Main color # link: '#1BCDFC' # Link color # hover: '#ff5722' # Link highlight color # inner: '#333' # Text color inside the button # block: '#555' # Block color # inlinecode: yellow # Inline code color # codeblock: '#555' # Codeblock color # p: '#ccc' # Paragraph color ############################### Layout ############################### cover: scheme: docs # docs, blog display: home: true archive: true others: false # can be written in front-matter 'cover: true' logo: # https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-assets/logo/256/google_logo.png title: Volantis subtitle: 'A Wonderful Theme for Hexo' search: # search bar placeholder features: - name: 文档 icon: fas fa-book url: https://volantis.js.org/getting-started/ - name: 博文 icon: fas fa-rss url: https://volantis.js.org/archives/ - name: 示例 icon: fas fa-play-circle url: https://volantis.js.org/examples/ - name: 源码 icon: fas fa-file-code url: https://github.com/xaoxuu/hexo-theme-volantis/ rel: external nofollow noopener noreferrer target: _blank - name: 鸣谢 icon: fas fa-handshake url: https://volantis.js.org/contributors/ # Navigation Bar navbar: logo: # choose [img] or [icon + title] img: icon: title: menu: # The following can be written in `blog/source/_data/menu.yml` # This menu will be displayed on the laptop or desktop. on_desktop: - name: 博客 icon: fas fa-rss url: / - name: 分类 icon: fas fa-folder-open url: categories/ - name: 标签 icon: fas fa-tags url: tags/ - name: 归档 icon: fas fa-archive url: archives/ - name: 友链 icon: fas fa-link url: friends/ - name: 关于 icon: fas fa-info-circle url: about/ # This menu will be displayed on the mobile. on_mobile: - name: 博客 icon: fas fa-rss url: / - name: 分类 icon: fas fa-folder-open url: categories/ - name: 标签 icon: fas fa-tags url: tags/ - name: 归档 icon: fas fa-archive url: archives/ - name: 友链 icon: fas fa-link url: friends/ - name: 关于 icon: fas fa-info-circle url: about/ search: 搜索 # Search bar placeholder layout: # The following can be written in `blog/source/_data/layout.yml` # 文章列表(主页、自定义的列表)布局 on_list: # 列表中每一篇文章的meta信息 meta: [title, author, category, date, wordcount, top] # 列表类页面的侧边栏 sidebar: [blogger, category, tagcloud, qrcode] # read more button readmore: Read More # 页面布局 on_page: # 文章页面主体元素,你也可以在页面的Front-matter中设置 body: [article, comments] # 默认的meta信息,文章中没有配置则按照这里的配置来显示,设置为false则不显示 # 其中,title只在header中有效,music和thumbnail无需在这里设置,文章中有则显示 # 如果tags放置在meta.header中,那么在post列表中不显示(因为卡片下方已经有了) meta: header: [title, author, category, date, top] footer: [updated, tags, btns, share] # 文章页面的侧边栏 sidebar: [qrcode, toc] # 文章布局,参数继承自 on_page on_post: # 文章页脚,自动在每一篇文章末尾添加 article_footer: [copyright, donate] # 其他的页面布局暂时等于 on_list # meta library meta: # 文章标题 title: # 暂无配置 # 默认文章作者(可在front-matter中覆盖) author: avatar: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-assets/avatar/avatar.png name: Mr. X url: https://xaoxuu.com # 文章创建日期 date: icon: fas fa-edit title: '发布于:' format: 'll' # 日期格式 http://momentjs.com/docs/ # 文章更新日期 updated: icon: fas fa-save title: '更新于:' format: 'll' # 日期格式 http://momentjs.com/docs/ # 文章分类 category: icon: fas fa-folder-open # 文章置顶 top: icon: fas fa-angle-double-up # 文章浏览计数 counter: icon: fas fa-eye # 文章字数和阅读时长 wordcount: icon_wordcount: fas fa-keyboard icon_duration: fas fa-hourglass-half # 文章标签 tags: icon: fas fa-hashtag # 分享 share: - id: qq img: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-assets/logo/128/qq.png - id: qzone img: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-assets/logo/128/qzone.png - id: weibo img: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-assets/logo/128/weibo.png # - id: qrcode # 当id为qrcode时需要安装插件 npm i -S hexo-helper-qrcode # img: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-assets/logo/128/wechat.png # 链接 btns: edit: icon: fas fa-edit title: 在GitHub上编辑此页 color: '#888' repo: # 源码链接 icon: fas fa-file-code title: 源码 color: '#508EF2' bug: # BUG反馈链接 icon: fas fa-bug title: BUG color: '#FE5F58' doubt: # 疑问链接 icon: fas fa-question-circle title: 疑问 color: '#FFBD2B' idea: # 建议链接 icon: fas fa-lightbulb title: 建议 color: '#3DC550' faq: # FAQ链接 icon: fas fa-comments title: FAQ color: '#29B1C9' feedback: # 反馈链接 icon: fas fa-comment-dots title: 反馈 color: '#1BCDFC' # widget library widget: # The following can be written in `blog/source/_data/widget.yml` # --------------------------------------- # blogger info widget blogger: class: blogger display: [desktop] # [desktop, mobile] avatar: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-assets/avatar/avatar.png title: subtitle: jinrishici: true # Poetry Today. You can set a string, and it will be displayed when loading fails. social: true # --------------------------------------- # toc widget (valid only in articles) toc: class: toc display: [desktop, mobile] # [desktop, mobile] header: icon: fas fa-list title: 本文目录 list_number: false min_depth: 2 max_depth: 5 # --------------------------------------- # category widget category: class: category display: [desktop] # [desktop, mobile] header: icon: fas fa-folder-open title: 文章分类 url: /blog/categories/ # --------------------------------------- # tagcloud widget tagcloud: class: tagcloud display: [desktop] # [desktop, mobile] header: icon: fas fa-tags title: 热门标签 url: /blog/tags/ min_font: 14 max_font: 24 color: true start_color: '#999' end_color: '#555' # --------------------------------------- # related posts widget related_posts: class: related_posts # npm i -S hexo-related-popular-posts display: [desktop, mobile] # [desktop, mobile] header: icon: fas fa-bookmark title: 相关文章 max_count: 5 # --------------------------------------- # copyright widget (valid only in articles) copyright: class: copyright display: [desktop, mobile] # [desktop, mobile] blockquote: true permalink: '本文永久链接是:' content: - '博客内容遵循 署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) 协议' - permalink # --------------------------------------- # qrcode widget donate: class: qrcode display: [desktop, mobile] # [desktop, mobile] height: 64px # Automatic height if not set fancybox: true images: - https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-assets/qrcode/wiki_volantis.png - https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-assets/qrcode/wiki_volantis.png # You can add your own widget here or 'blog/source/_data/widget.yml' # class: text, list, grid, qrcode, page, ... see more at https://volantis.js.org/ footer: # layout of footer: [aplayer, social, license, info, copyright] layout: [aplayer, social, license, info, copyright] social: - icon: fas fa-rss url: atom.xml - icon: fas fa-envelope url: mailto:me@xaoxuu.com - icon: fab fa-github url: https://github.com/xaoxuu - icon: fas fa-headphones-alt url: https://music.163.com/#/user/home?id=63035382 copyright: '[Copyright © 2017-2020 Mr. X](https://xaoxuu.com)' # You can add your own property here. (Support markdown, for example: br: '
') br: '
' ############################### SEO ############################### seo: # When there are no keywords in the article's front-matter, use tags as keywords. use_tags_as_keywords: true # When there is no description in the article's front-matter, use excerpt as the description. use_excerpt_as_description: true robots: home_first_page: index,follow home_other_pages: noindex,follow archive: noindex,follow category: noindex,follow tag: noindex,follow # robots can be written in front-matter ############################### Plugins ############################### plugins: # Required plugins: jquery: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jquery@3.3/dist/jquery.min.js ######## Plugins to improve loading speed: # Preload (The menu's url must end with ‘/’) instant_page: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-volantis@2/js/instant_page.js ######## Plugins to optimize the experience: # Picture Zoom fancybox: css: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@fancyapps/fancybox@3.5.7/dist/jquery.fancybox.min.css js: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/fancyapps/fancybox@3.5.7/dist/jquery.fancybox.min.js # Page Scrolling Animation scrollreveal: #https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/scrollreveal@4.0.5/dist/scrollreveal.min.js # Codeblock Copy Button clipboard: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/clipboard@2/dist/clipboard.min.js # mathjax mathjax: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js ######## Plugins for SEO: # Traffic statistics (very slow loading) busuanzi: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-busuanzi@2.3/js/busuanzi.pure.mini.js # npm i --save hexo-wordcount wordcount: #true ######## Plugins for ... # Button Ripple Effect nodewaves: css: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/node-waves@0.7.6/dist/waves.min.css js: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/node-waves@0.7.6/dist/waves.min.js # Typing Effects comment_typing: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-volantis@2/js/comment_typing.js # Slide Background backstretch: enable: true js: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jquery-backstretch@2.1.18/jquery.backstretch.min.js position: cover # cover: sticky on the cover. fixed: Fixed as background for the site. shuffle: true # shuffle playlist duration: 20000 # Duration (ms) fade: 1500 # fade duration (ms) (Not more than 1500) white_text: #true # Whether the picture is dark (adjust the text to white) images: # For personal use only. At your own risk if used for commercial purposes !!! - https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-wallpaper/abstract/41F215B9-261F-48B4-80B5-4E86E165259E.jpeg # - https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-wallpaper/abstract/BBC19066-E176-47C2-9D22-48C81EE5DF6B.jpeg # - https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-wallpaper/abstract/B18FCBB3-67FD-48CC-B4F3-457BA145F17A.jpeg # - https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-wallpaper/abstract/00E0F0ED-9F1C-407A-9AA6-545649D919F4.jpeg # # Suggest white_text: true # - https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-wallpaper/abstract/67239FBB-E15D-4F4F-8EE8-0F1C9F3C4E7C.jpeg # - https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-wallpaper/abstract/B951AE18-D431-417F-B3FE-A382403FF21B.jpeg # - https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-wallpaper/landscape/AEB33F9D-7294-4CF1-B8C5-3020748A9D45.jpeg # - https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-wallpaper/abstract/2884F904-F1F3-479E-AE27-5EBC291B63B0.jpeg # - https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-wallpaper/landscape/10A0FCE5-36A1-4AD0-8CF0-019259A89E03.jpeg # - https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-wallpaper/landscape/250662D4-5A21-4AAA-BB63-CD25CF97CFF1.jpeg # - https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-wallpaper/landscape/298468D7-E388-44A8-8CC5-8213BDC33CED.jpeg # APlayer is only available in mainland China. # APlayer config: https://github.com/metowolf/MetingJS aplayer: enable: true js: - https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/aplayer@1.10/dist/APlayer.min.js - https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/meting@2.0/dist/Meting.min.js # Required server: netease # netease, tencent, kugou, xiami, baidu type: playlist # song, playlist, album, search, artist id: 3175833810 # song id / playlist id / album id / search keyword # Optional fixed: false # enable fixed mode theme: '#1BCDFC' # main color autoplay: false # audio autoplay order: list # player play order, values: 'list', 'random' loop: all # player loop play, values: 'all', 'one', 'none' volume: 0.7 # default volume, notice that player will remember user setting, default volume will not work after user set volume themselves list_max_height: 340px # list max height list_folded: true ############################### Comments ############################### comments: title: 评论 subtitle: service: valine # valine, disqus, gitalk, livere valine: appId: # your appId appKey: # your appKey js: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-volantis@2.0/js/valine.js path: # All pages use the same path (share the same comments data) meta: nick,mail,link #valine comment header info placeholder: 快来评论吧~ # valine comment input placeholder(like: Please leave your footprints ) avatar: mp # gravatar style https://valine.js.org/avatar pageSize: 10 # comment list page size verify: true # valine verify code (true/false) notify: true # valine mail notify (true/false) lang: zh-cn highlight: true visitor: false # unavailable for now... disqus: shortname: gitalk: clientID: clientSecret: repo: owner: admin: # [] livere: uid: ############################### Search ############################### # To use hexo search, you need to install the following plugins: # npm i -S hexo-generator-search hexo-generator-json-content search: enable: true service: hexo # hexo, google, algolia, azure, baidu js: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-volantis@2.1/js/search.js google: apiKey: engineId: algolia: applicationID: apiKey: indexName: azure: serviceName: indexName: queryKey: baidu: apiId: