You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

65 lines
2.2 KiB

// color lib
$color-md-red = #f44336
$color-md-pink = #E91E63
$color-md-purple = #9c27b0
$color-md-deep-purple = #673ab7
$color-md-indigo = #3f51b5
$color-md-light-blue = #4BA7EE
$color-md-blue = #2196f3
$color-md-deep-blue = #3367d6
$color-md-teal = #009688
$color-md-green = #4caf50
$color-md-light-green = #8bc34a
$color-md-orange = #ff9800
$color-md-deep-orange = #ff5722
$color-md-brown = #795548
$color-md-blue-grey = #607d8b
$color-md-grey = #9e9e9e
$color-md-light-grey =#e0e0e0
$color-md-yellow = #FCEC60
$color-md-amber = #F6C344
$color-mac-cyan = #1BCDFC
$color-mac-green = #3DC550
$color-mac-yellow = #FFBD2B
$color-mac-red = #FE5F58
$color-google-blue = #4688F1
$color-google-green = #3AA757
$color-google-yellow = #FABB2D
$color-google-red = #E8453C
// common
$color-site = convert(hexo-config('')) || #f4f4f4
$color-site-inner = convert(hexo-config('style.color.site_inner')) || #555
$color-card = convert(hexo-config('style.color.card')) || white
$color-text = convert(hexo-config('style.color.text')) || #444
$color-theme = convert(hexo-config('style.color.theme')) || #2196f3
$color-link = convert(hexo-config('')) || #2196f3
$color-hover = convert(hexo-config('style.color.hover')) || #ff5722
$color-inner = convert(hexo-config('style.color.inner')) || white
$color-block = convert(hexo-config('style.color.block')) || #f6f6f6
$color-selection = alpha(#2196f3, 0.2)
// code
$color-inlinecode = convert(hexo-config('style.color.inlinecode')) || #4f5a60
$color-codeblock = convert(hexo-config('style.color.codeblock')) || #f6f6f6
// blockquote
$color-blockquote = convert(hexo-config('style.color.blockquote')) || $color-theme
// mathjax
$color-mathjax = #fff0
// title color
$color-h1 = convert(hexo-config('style.color.h1')) || $color-text
$color-h2 = convert(hexo-config('style.color.h2')) || $color-text
$color-h3 = convert(hexo-config('style.color.h3')) || $color-theme
$color-h4 = convert(hexo-config('style.color.h4')) || $color-text
$color-h5 = convert(hexo-config('style.color.h5')) || $color-text
$color-h6 = convert(hexo-config('style.color.h6')) || $color-text
$color-p = convert(hexo-config('style.color.p')) || #555
$color-meta = alpha($color-text, .65)
bgcolor($c, $mix = 10)
return mix($c, $color-card, $mix)