You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

45 lines
2.3 KiB

// body font
$fontfamily = "Microsoft YaHei", "Source Sans Pro", "Helvetica Neue", Menlo, Monaco, monospace, "Lucida Console", sans-serif, Helvetica, "Hiragino Sans GB", "Hiragino Sans GB W3", Source Han Sans CN Regular, WenQuanYi Micro Hei, Arial, sans-serif
// inline code & codeblock font
$fontfamily-code = Menlo, Monaco, courier, monospace, "Lucida Console", 'Source Code Pro', "Microsoft YaHei", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, 'Ubuntu'
if hexo-config('style.fontfamily.bodyfont')
font-family: hexo-config('')
src: url(hexo-config('style.fontfamily.bodyfont.url'))
font-weight: hexo-config('style.fontfamily.bodyfont.weight')
font-style: hexo-config('')
$fontfamily = hexo-config(''), $fontfamily
if hexo-config('style.fontfamily.codefont')
font-family: hexo-config('')
src: url(hexo-config('style.fontfamily.codefont.url'))
font-weight: hexo-config('style.fontfamily.codefont.weight')
font-style: hexo-config('')
$fontfamily-code = hexo-config(''), $fontfamily-code
// logo font
$fontfamily-logo = $fontfamily
// font size
$fontsize = convert(hexo-config('style.fontsize.root')) || 16px
$fontsize-h1 = convert(hexo-config('style.fontsize.h1')) || 1.625rem // 26px
$fontsize-h2 = convert(hexo-config('style.fontsize.h2')) || 1.375rem // 22px bottom line
$fontsize-h3 = convert(hexo-config('style.fontsize.h3')) || 1.25rem // 20px colorful title
$fontsize-h4 = convert(hexo-config('style.fontsize.h4')) || 1.125rem // 18px
$fontsize-h5 = convert(hexo-config('style.fontsize.h5')) || 1rem // 16px bold
$fontsize-h6 = convert(hexo-config('style.fontsize.h6')) || 1rem // 16px
$fontsize-body = convert(hexo-config('style.fontsize.body')) || 1rem // 16px
$fontsize-list = convert(hexo-config('style.fontsize.list')) || .9375rem // 15px
$fontsize-meta = convert(hexo-config('style.fontsize.meta')) || .875rem // 14px
$fontsize-code = convert(hexo-config('style.fontsize.code')) || .8125rem // 13px
$fontsize-footnote = convert(hexo-config('style.fontsize.footnote')) || .75rem // the smallest (12px)
// line-height
$lineheight = 1.5
$fontsize-large = 3rem
$fontsize-huge = 4rem
$fontsize-ultra = 6rem