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<div class="new-meta-item share -mob-share-list">
<div class="-mob-share-list share-body">
<% (theme.meta.share||[]).forEach(function(item){ %>
<% if ( == 'qrcode'){ %>
<a class='qrcode' rel="external nofollow noopener noreferrer" href='<%- qrcode(url) %>'>
<% if (item.img){ %>
<img src="<%- item.img %>">
<% } else if (item.icon){ %>
<i class="<%- item.icon %> fa-fw"></i>
<% } %>
<% } else { %>
<a class="-mob-share-<%- %>" title="<%- %>" rel="external nofollow noopener noreferrer"
<% if ( == 'qzone'){ %>
href="<%- post.permalink %>&title=<%- post.title + ' | ' + config.title %><%- (post.img || config.avatar) ? '&pics=' + (post.img || config.avatar) : '' %>&summary=<%- strip_html(post.excerpt) %>"
<% } else if ( == 'qq'){ %>
href="<%- post.permalink %>&title=<%- post.title + ' | ' + config.title %><%- (post.img || config.avatar) ? '&pics=' + (post.img || config.avatar) : '' %>&summary=<%- strip_html(post.excerpt) %>"
<% } else if ( == 'weibo'){ %>
href="<%- post.permalink %>&title=<%- post.title + ' | ' + config.title %><%- (post.img || config.avatar) ? '&pics=' + (post.img || config.avatar) : '' %>&summary=<%- strip_html(post.excerpt) %>"
<% } %>
<% if (item.img){ %>
<img src="<%- item.img %>">
<% } else if (item.icon){ %>
<i class="<%- item.icon %> fa-fw"></i>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% }) %>