:anger: **Because of the risk of abuse I´m no longer merging requests for pages without content** :exclamation: [![JS.ORG Logo](http://logo.js.org/png/github_header.png)](http://js.org) [![JS.ORG](https://img.shields.io/badge/js.org-dns-ffb400.svg?style=flat-square)](http://js.org) To get a short and sleek subdomain for your own GitHub Page follow these 4 Steps: ### Step 1 If you haven't already, now it's time to log in to your GitHub account and set up your GitHub Page following the instructions [here](https://pages.github.com/). To get a head start you can simply use the generator and one of the provided themes. ### Step 2 Now determine your js.org subdomain: either choose your username or the name of your repo according to the existing GitHub Pages URL (for ```http://foo.github.io/bar```, either ```foo.js.org``` or ```bar.js.org``` would be possible). More details in the [wiki](https://github.com/js-org/dns/wiki). ### Step 3 Add a file named ```CNAME``` to your repo (in the ```gh-pages``` branch for project pages) with a single line matching the domain you have chosen (e.g. ```foo.js.org```). If you face problems, check out the section [Custom URLs](https://help.github.com/articles/setting-up-a-custom-domain-with-github-pages/#creating-and-committing-a-cname-file) at GitHub Pages Help. ### Step 4 To finish the procedure, make a pull request in this GitHub repository that adds your subdomain to the [list](https://github.com/js-org/dns/blob/master/cnames_active.js) of exisiting JS.ORG domains. Your new URL should go live within 24 hours (keep an eye on your pull request in case of a naming conflict).