/* **** RESTRICTED SUBDOMAINS * ************************** * * for the moment the following subdomains are restricted * the list is not necessarily complete and could be extend at some point * * **** EXPLANATION * **************** * * Some of these subdomains are reserved for JS.ORG itself (e.g.: mail.js.org, admin.js.org). * Others are so generic that they should be used for community driven pages only (e.g.: blog.js.org, docs.js.org). * If you are willing to use one of the restricted subdomains in a way the community can benefit and participate, you can always file an issue and start a discussion. * */ var cnames_restricted = [ "(1/2/3/...)", "about", "account(s)", "ad(s)", "admin(s)", "answer(s)", "api(s)", "app(s)", "archive(s)", "array(s)", "asm", "async", "backup(s)", "bar", "base", "basic(s)", "bbs", "become", "bible", "blog(s)", "book(s)", "boolean", "bot(s)", "browser(s)", "bug(s)", "build(s)", "business", "career", "cdn", "center", "chat(s)", "client(s)", "cloud", "code", "communit(y/ies)", "compan(y/ies)", "compare", "compile", "console", "contact(s)", "cookie(s)", "copy", "copyright(s)", "core", "create", "crew(s)", "css", "data", "ddns", "deal", "debug", "demo(s)", "dev(s)", "develop", "developer(s)", "dir(s)", "director(y/ies)", "dns", "doc(s)", "domain(s)", "donate(s)", "dyn", "easy", "ecma", "editor", "email(s)", "enterprise(s)", "es2015", "es6", "event(s)", "exchange", "faq(s)", "feed", "file(s)", "find", "foo", "format(s)", "forum(s)", "framework(s)", "free", "front", "frontpage", "ftp", "function(s)", "fund(s)", "galler(y/ies)", "game(s)", "get", "git", "global(s)", "group(s)", "guide(s)", "headquarter", "help", "home", "homepage", "host(s)", "hq", "html", "hub(s)", "imap", "index", "info(s)", "internet", "io", "js", "json", "learn", "legal(s)", "lesson(s)", "license(s)", "like(s)", "link(s)", "live", "log(s)", "login", "logo(s)", "logout", "loop(s)", "love", "m", "mail(1/2)", "main", "map(s)", "market(s)", "master", "media", "meet", "member(s)", "mobile", "module(s)", "mx", "my", "native", "net", "network", "new(s)", "newsgroup(s)", "newsletter(s)", "ninja(s)", "now", "ns(1/2)", "object(s)", "online", "open", "orig", "origin", "owa", "package(s)", "page(s)", "password(s)", "permalink(s)", "piwik", "plain", "pop3", "portal(s)", "professional(s)", "program(s)", "project(s)", "prototype(s)", "pub(s)", "raw", "readme(s)", "regex(p)", "remote", "require", "rest", "review(s)", "root(s)", "rss", "run", "school(s)", "script(s)", "search", "secure", "serv", "server(s)", "service(s)", "shop(s)", "site(s)", "smtp", "socket(s)", "source(s)", "standard(s)", "store(s)", "string(s)", "sub(s)", "subdomain(s)", "subscribe", "support", "sync", "system(s)", "tag(s)", "team(s)", "tech", "terminal", "test", "tip", "tool(s)", "topic(s)", "translate", "trend(s)", "trick(s)", "trust", "trusted", "tutorial(s)", "tweak(s)", "type(s)", "unit(s)", "united", "unsubscribe", "uri(s)", "url(s)", "user(s)", "utility", "validate", "var(s)", "virtual", "vpn", "vps", "wasm", "watch", "web", "webmail", "webmaster", "world", "ww(1/2/3/42)", "www(1/2/3/42)", "xml" ]