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4 years ago
{#- Social Links -#}
{%- include "./_footer/social.swig" -%}
<div class="copyright">
4 years ago
{%- if theme.valine.statistic -%}
{%- if is_post() -%}
<span id="/{{ page.path }}" class="statistic leancloud_visitors">
<em>Visitors </em> <i class="leancloud-visitors-count">??</i>
<span class="division"> |</span>
<em>Reading </em> {{ readingTime(page.content, 'min', 150) }}
{%- endif -%}
4 years ago
{%- endif -%}
4 years ago
<span class="power-by">
{{ __('footer.powered', '<a class="hexo-link" href="">Hexo</a>') }}
<span class="division">|</span>
<span class="theme-info">
{{ __('footer.theme') }} -
<a class="theme-link" href="">Kayo</a>
<span class="copyright-year">
{%- set current = date(, "YYYY") -%}
{%- if theme.since and theme.since != current -%}
{{ theme.since }} - {{ current }}
{%- else -%}
{{ current }}
{%- endif -%}
4 years ago
<span class="heart shaky">
4 years ago
<i class="iconfont icon-heart"></i>
<span class="author">{{ }}</span>