# Kayo主题 > 努力开发中~~~ 源自[ahonn/hexo-theme-even](https://github.com/ahonn/hexo-theme-even)主题 ## Installation ```bash $ npm install hexo-renderer-scss --save $ npm install hexo-reading-time --save $ npm install hexo-generator-feed --save $ git clone https://github.com/iotcat/kayo themes/kayo $ cp themes/kayo/_config.yml.example themes/kayo/_config.yml ``` Modify `yoursite/_config.yml`: ```yml # Extensions ## Plugins: http://hexo.io/plugins/ ## Themes: http://hexo.io/themes/ theme: kayo ``` ## Update You can update to latest master branch by the following command: ```bash $ cd themes/kayo $ git pull ``` ## 新增功能 - 支持pjax - 支持多级菜单 - 支持mermaid绘图 - 支持显示文章预计reading时长 - 添加版权底部心跳 - 支持cdn以及自定义cdn地址 - 支持aplayer播放网易云歌单 - 支持valine无后端评论 - 支持valine的访客数量统计