module.exports = (yargs) => { var o = { email: { set: s => { if(!{ return 'Illegal Email!!'; }; return; }, get: () =>, check: s => { var reg = /^([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,4})$/; return reg.test(s); } }, remote: { set: s => { if(!o.remote.check(s)){ return 'Illegal URL!!'; } data.config.remote(s); return; }, get: () => data.config.remote(), check: s => { var reg = /./;///^((https|http|ftp|rtsp|mms):\/\/)(([0-9a-z_!~*'().&=+$%-]+: )?[0-9a-z_!~*'().&=+$%-]+@)?(([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}|([0-9a-z_!~*'()-]+.)*([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]{0,61})?[0-9a-z].[a-z]{2,6})(:[0-9]{1,4})?((\/?)|(\/[0-9a-z_!~*'().;?:@&=+$,%#-]+)+\/?)$/; return reg.test(s); } }, show: () => { let configInfo = new table(); configInfo.push({email:},{remote: o.remote.get()}); console.log(configInfo.toString()); } }; var data = require(__dirname + '/../utilities/data.js')(); const colors = require('colors'); const boxen = require('boxen'); const table = require('cli-table'); yargs = yargs .command("config", "mksec config".green + " Config Email and Server URL..", yargs => { return yargs .option("e", { alias: "email", default: "", describe: "Your Email to login.", demand: false, type: 'string' }) .option("r", { alias: "remote", default: "", describe: "Remote mksec server URL.", demand: false, type: 'string' }) .help() .version(false) .argv; }, argv => { if(argv.e == "" && argv.r == ""){; console.error(boxen('Please use '+'mksec config -h '.red+'to get Help!!', {padding: 1, margin: 1, borderStyle: 'double'})); return; } if(argv.e != ""){ var m =; if(m){ console.error(boxen(m, {padding: 1, margin: 1, borderStyle: 'double'})); return; } } if(argv.r != ""){ var m = o.remote.set(argv.r); if(m){ console.error(boxen(m, {padding: 1, margin: 1, borderStyle: 'double'})); return; } }; }) return yargs; }