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(function() {
function Lead() {
var canvas = window.canvas;
var ctx = window.ctx;
var _this = this;
this.leadInfo = {
'bodyColor': 'orange',
'eyeOuterColor': '#fff',
'eyeInnerColor': '#000',
'mouseColor': '#fff',
'aureoleColor': 'red',
'moveDirection': null,
'position': {
'x': canvas.width / 10,
'y': canvas.height / 10 * 9 - 48,
'size': {
'x': 24,
'y': 24
this.state = {
'isAccunulate': false
this.eyeOuterRadius = this.leadInfo.size.x / 12 * 2;
this.eyeOuterPosition = {
'left': {
'x': this.leadInfo.position.x + this.leadInfo.size.x / 12 + this.eyeOuterRadius,
'y': this.leadInfo.position.y + this.leadInfo.size.y / 12 + this.eyeOuterRadius
'right': {
'x': this.leadInfo.position.x + this.leadInfo.size.x / 12 * 3 + this.eyeOuterRadius * 3,
'y': this.leadInfo.position.y + this.leadInfo.size.y / 12 + this.eyeOuterRadius
this.eyeInnerDirection = 'center';
this.eyeInnerRadius = this.eyeOuterRadius / 2;
this.eyeInnerPosition = {
'left': {
'center': {
'x': this.eyeOuterPosition.left.x,
'y': this.eyeOuterPosition.left.y
'top': {
'x': this.eyeOuterPosition.left.x,
'y': this.eyeOuterPosition.left.y - this.eyeInnerRadius
'bottom': {
'x': this.eyeOuterPosition.left.x,
'y': this.eyeOuterPosition.left.y + this.eyeInnerRadius
'left': {
'x': this.eyeOuterPosition.left.x - this.eyeInnerRadius,
'y': this.eyeOuterPosition.left.y
'right': {
'x': this.eyeOuterPosition.left.x + this.eyeInnerRadius,
'y': this.eyeOuterPosition.left.y
'right': {
'center': {
'x': this.eyeOuterPosition.right.x,
'y': this.eyeOuterPosition.right.y
'top': {
'x': this.eyeOuterPosition.right.x,
'y': this.eyeOuterPosition.right.y - this.eyeInnerRadius
'bottom': {
'x': this.eyeOuterPosition.right.x,
'y': this.eyeOuterPosition.right.y + this.eyeInnerRadius
'left': {
'x': this.eyeOuterPosition.right.x - this.eyeInnerRadius,
'y': this.eyeOuterPosition.right.y
'right': {
'x': this.eyeOuterPosition.right.x + this.eyeInnerRadius,
'y': this.eyeOuterPosition.right.y
this.eyeInnerCurrentPosition = {
this.mouseSize = {
'x': this.leadInfo.size.x / 12 * 10,
'y': this.leadInfo.size.y / 12 * 4,
'radius': this.leadInfo.size.y / 12 * 2
this.mouseIsRect = false;
this.mousePosition = {
'x': this.leadInfo.position.x + this.leadInfo.size.x / 12,
'y': this.leadInfo.position.y + this.leadInfo.size.x / 12 + this.eyeOuterRadius * 3,
'cx': this.leadInfo.position.x + this.leadInfo.size.x / 2,
'cy': this.leadInfo.position.y + this.leadInfo.size.y / 12 * 3 + this.eyeOuterRadius * 2 + this.mouseSize.radius
this.aureoleRadius = {
'min': this.leadInfo.size.x * 0.4,
'max': this.leadInfo.size.x,
'current': this.leadInfo.size.x,
'step': 10 / 1000 * 5
this.aureolePosition = {
'x': this.leadInfo.position.x + this.leadInfo.size.x / 2,
'y': this.leadInfo.position.y + this.leadInfo.size.y / 2
this.sportInfo = {
'needAddSpeed': {
'x': false,
'y': true
'addSpeed': {
'x': 300,
'y': 600
'maxSpeed': {
'x': 240,
'y': 1200
'speed': {
'x': 0,
'y': 0
this.draw = draw;
this.changeMouseState = changeMouseState;
this.changeEyeState = changeEyeState;
this.move = move;
this.updateLeadAllPosition = updateLeadAllPosition;
this.accunulateJump = accunulateJump;
this.computeLeadPosition = computeLeadPosition;
this.updateLeadPositionAndSpeed = updateLeadPositionAndSpeed;
this.changeAddSpeed = changeAddSpeed;
this.changeSpeed = changeSpeed;
this.changeAureoleShrinkSpeed = changeAureoleShrinkSpeed;
this.changeAureoleIsShow = changeAureoleIsShow;
function draw() {
var pi2 = 2 * Math.PI;
var leadInfo = _this.leadInfo;
var eyeOuterRadius = _this.eyeOuterRadius;
var eyeOuterPosition = _this.eyeOuterPosition;
var eyeInnerCurrentPosition = _this.eyeInnerCurrentPosition;
var eyeInnerRadius = _this.eyeInnerRadius;
var eyeInnerPosition = _this.eyeInnerPosition;
var mouseIsRect = _this.mouseIsRect;
var mouseSize = _this.mouseSize;
var mousePosition = _this.mousePosition;
var aureoleRadius = _this.aureoleRadius;
var aureolePosition = _this.aureolePosition;
// drawAureole
if (_this.state.isAccunulate) {
ctx.strokeStyle = _this.leadInfo.aureoleColor;
ctx.arc(aureolePosition.x, aureolePosition.y, aureoleRadius.current, 0, pi2);
// draw body
ctx.fillStyle = leadInfo.bodyColor;
ctx.fillRect(leadInfo.position.x, leadInfo.position.y, leadInfo.size.x, leadInfo.size.y);
// draw eyeOuter
ctx.fillStyle = leadInfo.eyeOuterColor;
ctx.arc(eyeOuterPosition.left.x, eyeOuterPosition.left.y, eyeOuterRadius, 0, pi2);
ctx.arc(eyeOuterPosition.right.x, eyeOuterPosition.right.y, eyeOuterRadius, 0, pi2);
// draw eyeInner
ctx.fillStyle = leadInfo.eyeInnerColor;
ctx.arc(eyeInnerCurrentPosition.left.x, eyeInnerCurrentPosition.left.y, eyeInnerRadius, 0, pi2);
ctx.arc(eyeInnerCurrentPosition.right.x, eyeInnerCurrentPosition.right.y, eyeInnerRadius, 0, pi2);
// draw mouse
ctx.fillStyle = leadInfo.mouseColor;
if (mouseIsRect) {
ctx.fillRect(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y, mouseSize.x, mouseSize.y);
} else {
ctx.arc(,, mouseSize.radius, 0, pi2);
function changeMouseState(state) {
if (state === 'circle') {
_this.mouseIsRect = false;
} else if (state === 'square') {
_this.mouseIsRect = true;
function changeEyeState(position) {
if (position === 'top' || position === 'bottom' || position === 'left' || position === 'right' || position === 'center') {
_this.eyeInnerDirection = position;
_this.eyeInnerCurrentPosition.left = _this.eyeInnerPosition.left[position];
_this.eyeInnerCurrentPosition.right = _this.eyeInnerPosition.right[position];
function updateLeadAllPosition() {
function computeEyeOuterPosition() {
_this.eyeOuterPosition = {
'left': {
'x': _this.leadInfo.position.x + _this.leadInfo.size.x / 12 + _this.eyeOuterRadius,
'y': _this.leadInfo.position.y + _this.leadInfo.size.y / 12 + _this.eyeOuterRadius
'right': {
'x': _this.leadInfo.position.x + _this.leadInfo.size.x / 12 * 3 + _this.eyeOuterRadius * 3,
'y': _this.leadInfo.position.y + _this.leadInfo.size.y / 12 + _this.eyeOuterRadius
function computeEyeInnerPosition() {
_this.eyeInnerPosition = {
'left': {
'center': {
'x': _this.eyeOuterPosition.left.x,
'y': _this.eyeOuterPosition.left.y
'top': {
'x': _this.eyeOuterPosition.left.x,
'y': _this.eyeOuterPosition.left.y - _this.eyeInnerRadius
'bottom': {
'x': _this.eyeOuterPosition.left.x,
'y': _this.eyeOuterPosition.left.y + _this.eyeInnerRadius
'left': {
'x': _this.eyeOuterPosition.left.x - _this.eyeInnerRadius,
'y': _this.eyeOuterPosition.left.y
'right': {
'x': _this.eyeOuterPosition.left.x + _this.eyeInnerRadius,
'y': _this.eyeOuterPosition.left.y
'right': {
'center': {
'x': _this.eyeOuterPosition.right.x,
'y': _this.eyeOuterPosition.right.y
'top': {
'x': _this.eyeOuterPosition.right.x,
'y': _this.eyeOuterPosition.right.y - _this.eyeInnerRadius
'bottom': {
'x': _this.eyeOuterPosition.right.x,
'y': _this.eyeOuterPosition.right.y + _this.eyeInnerRadius
'left': {
'x': _this.eyeOuterPosition.right.x - _this.eyeInnerRadius,
'y': _this.eyeOuterPosition.right.y
'right': {
'x': _this.eyeOuterPosition.right.x + _this.eyeInnerRadius,
'y': _this.eyeOuterPosition.right.y
_this.eyeInnerCurrentPosition.left = _this.eyeInnerPosition.left[_this.eyeInnerDirection];
_this.eyeInnerCurrentPosition.right = _this.eyeInnerPosition.right[_this.eyeInnerDirection];
function computeMousePosition() {
_this.mousePosition = {
'x': _this.leadInfo.position.x + _this.leadInfo.size.x / 12,
'y': _this.leadInfo.position.y + _this.leadInfo.size.x / 12 + _this.eyeOuterRadius * 3,
'cx': _this.leadInfo.position.x + _this.leadInfo.size.x / 2,
'cy': _this.leadInfo.position.y + _this.leadInfo.size.y / 12 * 3 + _this.eyeOuterRadius * 2 + _this.mouseSize.radius
function computeAureolePosition() {
var aureoleRadius = _this.aureoleRadius;
_this.aureolePosition.x = _this.leadInfo.position.x + _this.leadInfo.size.x / 2;
_this.aureolePosition.y = _this.leadInfo.position.y + _this.leadInfo.size.y / 2;
aureoleRadius.current = aureoleRadius.current - aureoleRadius.step;
if (aureoleRadius.current < aureoleRadius.min) {
aureoleRadius.current = aureoleRadius.max;
_this.aureoleRadius.current = aureoleRadius.current;
function move(direction) {
if (direction === 'left' || direction === 'right' || direction === 'top' || direction === 'bottom') {
_this.leadInfo.moveDirection = direction;
function accunulateJump(accunulateTime) {
var accunulateSpeedPerTime = - 1200;
if (_this.sportInfo.needAddSpeed.y) {
var accunulateSpeed = accunulateSpeedPerTime * accunulateTime;
_this.sportInfo.speed.y = accunulateSpeed;
function computeLeadPosition(intervalTime) {
var addSpeed = _this.sportInfo.addSpeed;
var maxSpeed = _this.sportInfo.maxSpeed;
var position = _this.leadInfo.position;
var speed = _this.sportInfo.speed;
var moveDirection = _this.leadInfo.moveDirection;
if (moveDirection === 'left' || moveDirection === 'right' || moveDirection === 'top' || moveDirection === 'bottom' || moveDirection === null) {
var xResult = computeXYPosition('x');
var yResult = computeXYPosition('y');
return {
'x': xResult,
'y': yResult
function computeXYPosition(direction) {
if (_this.sportInfo.needAddSpeed[direction]) {
var currentSpeed = speed[direction] + addSpeed[direction] * (intervalTime / 1000);
var computedSpeed = currentSpeed > maxSpeed[direction] ? maxSpeed[direction] : currentSpeed;
return {
'before': position[direction],
'after': position[direction] + computedSpeed * (intervalTime / 1000),
'speed': computedSpeed
} else {
return {
'before': position[direction],
'after': position[direction] + speed[direction] * (intervalTime / 1000),
'speed': speed[direction]
function updateLeadPositionAndSpeed (position) {
function updateXYPositionAndSpeed(direction) {
_this.sportInfo.speed[direction] = position[direction].speed;
_this.leadInfo.position[direction] = position[direction].after;
function changeAddSpeed (direction, addSpeed) {
_this.sportInfo.addSpeed[direction] = addSpeed;
function changeSpeed(direction, speed) {
_this.sportInfo.speed[direction] = speed;
function changeAureoleShrinkSpeed(speed, intervalTime) {
var speed = speed || 5;
var intervalTime = intervalTime || 5;
_this.aureoleRadius.step = speed / 1000 * intervalTime;
function changeAureoleIsShow(state) {
if (state === true || state === false) {
_this.state.isAccunulate = state;
game.lead = new Lead();