You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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4 years ago
* Typecho Blog Platform
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Typecho team (
* @license GNU General Public License 2.0
* @version $Id: DbQuery.php 97 2008-04-04 04:39:54Z $
* Typecho数据库查询语句构建类
* 使用方法:
* $query = new Typecho_Db_Query(); //或者使用DB积累的sql方法返回实例化对象
* $query->select('posts', 'post_id, post_title')
* ->where('post_id = %d', 1)
* ->limit(1);
* echo $query;
* 打印的结果将是
* SELECT post_id, post_title FROM posts WHERE 1=1 AND post_id = 1 LIMIT 1
* @package Db
class Typecho_Db_Query
/** 数据库关键字 */
* 默认字段
* @var array
* @access private
private static $_default = array(
'action' => NULL,
'table' => NULL,
'fields' => '*',
'join' => array(),
'where' => NULL,
'limit' => NULL,
'offset' => NULL,
'order' => NULL,
'group' => NULL,
'having' => NULL,
'rows' => array(),
* 数据库适配器
* @var Typecho_Db_Adapter
private $_adapter;
* 查询语句预结构,由数组构成,方便组合为SQL查询字符串
* @var array
private $_sqlPreBuild;
* 前缀
* @access private
* @var string
private $_prefix;
* @var array
private $_params = array();
* 构造函数,引用数据库适配器作为内部数据
* @param Typecho_Db_Adapter $adapter 数据库适配器
* @param string $prefix 前缀
public function __construct(Typecho_Db_Adapter $adapter, $prefix)
$this->_adapter = &$adapter;
$this->_prefix = $prefix;
$this->_sqlPreBuild = self::$_default;
* 过滤表前缀,表前缀由table.构成
* @param string $string 需要解析的字符串
* @return string
private function filterPrefix($string)
return (0 === strpos($string, 'table.')) ? substr_replace($string, $this->_prefix, 0, 6) : $string;
* 过滤数组键值
* @access private
* @param string $str 待处理字段值
* @return string
private function filterColumn($str)
$str = $str . ' 0';
$length = strlen($str);
$lastIsAlnum = false;
$result = '';
$word = '';
$split = '';
$quotes = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i ++) {
$cha = $str[$i];
if (ctype_alnum($cha) || false !== strpos('_*', $cha)) {
if (!$lastIsAlnum) {
if ($quotes > 0 && !ctype_digit($word) && '.' != $split
&& false === strpos(self::KEYWORDS, strtoupper($word))) {
$word = $this->_adapter->quoteColumn($word);
} else if ('.' == $split && 'table' == $word) {
$word = $this->_prefix;
$split = '';
$result .= $word . $split;
$word = '';
$quotes = 0;
$word .= $cha;
$lastIsAlnum = true;
} else {
if ($lastIsAlnum) {
if (0 == $quotes) {
if (false !== strpos(' ,)=<>.+-*/', $cha)) {
$quotes = 1;
} else if ('(' == $cha) {
$quotes = -1;
$split = '';
$split .= $cha;
$lastIsAlnum = false;
return $result;
* 从参数中合成查询字段
* @access private
* @param array $parameters
* @return string
private function getColumnFromParameters(array $parameters)
$fields = array();
foreach ($parameters as $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
$fields[] = $key . ' AS ' . $val;
} else {
$fields[] = $value;
return $this->filterColumn(implode(' , ', $fields));
* 转义参数
* @param array $values
* @access protected
* @return array
protected function quoteValues(array $values)
foreach ($values as &$value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$value = '(' . implode(',', array_map(array($this, 'quoteValue'), $value)) . ')';
} else {
$value = $this->quoteValue($value);
return $values;
* 延迟转义
* @param $value
* @return string
public function quoteValue($value)
$this->_params[] = $value;
return '#param:' . (count($this->_params) - 1) . '#';
* 获取参数
* @return array
public function getParams()
return $this->_params;
* set default params
* @param array $default
public static function setDefault(array $default)
self::$_default = array_merge(self::$_default, $default);
* 获取查询字串属性值
* @access public
* @param string $attributeName 属性名称
* @return string
public function getAttribute($attributeName)
return isset($this->_sqlPreBuild[$attributeName]) ? $this->_sqlPreBuild[$attributeName] : NULL;
* 清除查询字串属性值
* @access public
* @param string $attributeName 属性名称
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function cleanAttribute($attributeName)
if (isset($this->_sqlPreBuild[$attributeName])) {
$this->_sqlPreBuild[$attributeName] = self::$_default[$attributeName];
return $this;
* 连接表
* @param string $table 需要连接的表
* @param string $condition 连接条件
* @param string $op 连接方法(LEFT, RIGHT, INNER)
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function join($table, $condition, $op = Typecho_Db::INNER_JOIN)
$this->_sqlPreBuild['join'][] = array($this->filterPrefix($table), $this->filterColumn($condition), $op);
return $this;
* AND条件查询语句
* @param string $condition 查询条件
* @param mixed $param 条件值
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function where()
$condition = func_get_arg(0);
$condition = str_replace('?', "%s", $this->filterColumn($condition));
$operator = empty($this->_sqlPreBuild['where']) ? ' WHERE ' : ' AND';
if (func_num_args() <= 1) {
$this->_sqlPreBuild['where'] .= $operator . ' (' . $condition . ')';
} else {
$args = func_get_args();
$this->_sqlPreBuild['where'] .= $operator . ' (' . vsprintf($condition, $this->quoteValues($args)) . ')';
return $this;
* OR条件查询语句
* @param string $condition 查询条件
* @param mixed $param 条件值
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function orWhere()
$condition = func_get_arg(0);
$condition = str_replace('?', "%s", $this->filterColumn($condition));
$operator = empty($this->_sqlPreBuild['where']) ? ' WHERE ' : ' OR';
if (func_num_args() <= 1) {
$this->_sqlPreBuild['where'] .= $operator . ' (' . $condition . ')';
} else {
$args = func_get_args();
$this->_sqlPreBuild['where'] .= $operator . ' (' . vsprintf($condition, $this->quoteValues($args)) . ')';
return $this;
* 查询行数限制
* @param integer $limit 需要查询的行数
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function limit($limit)
$this->_sqlPreBuild['limit'] = intval($limit);
return $this;
* 查询行数偏移量
* @param integer $offset 需要偏移的行数
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function offset($offset)
$this->_sqlPreBuild['offset'] = intval($offset);
return $this;
* 分页查询
* @param integer $page 页数
* @param integer $pageSize 每页行数
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function page($page, $pageSize)
$pageSize = intval($pageSize);
$this->_sqlPreBuild['limit'] = $pageSize;
$this->_sqlPreBuild['offset'] = (max(intval($page), 1) - 1) * $pageSize;
return $this;
* 指定需要写入的栏目及其值
* @param array $rows
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function rows(array $rows)
foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
$this->_sqlPreBuild['rows'][$this->filterColumn($key)] = is_null($row) ? 'NULL' : $this->_adapter->quoteValue($row);
return $this;
* 指定需要写入栏目及其值
* 单行且不会转义引号
* @param string $key 栏目名称
* @param mixed $value 指定的值
* @param bool $escape 是否转义
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function expression($key, $value, $escape = true)
$this->_sqlPreBuild['rows'][$this->filterColumn($key)] = $escape ? $this->filterColumn($value) : $value;
return $this;
* 排序顺序(ORDER BY)
* @param string $orderby 排序的索引
* @param string $sort 排序的方式(ASC, DESC)
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function order($orderby, $sort = Typecho_Db::SORT_ASC)
$this->_sqlPreBuild['order'] = ' ORDER BY ' . $this->filterColumn($orderby) . (empty($sort) ? NULL : ' ' . $sort);
return $this;
* 集合聚集(GROUP BY)
* @param string $key 聚集的键值
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function group($key)
$this->_sqlPreBuild['group'] = ' GROUP BY ' . $this->filterColumn($key);
return $this;
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function having()
$condition = func_get_arg(0);
$condition = str_replace('?', "%s", $this->filterColumn($condition));
$operator = empty($this->_sqlPreBuild['having']) ? ' HAVING ' : ' AND';
if (func_num_args() <= 1) {
$this->_sqlPreBuild['having'] .= $operator . ' (' . $condition . ')';
} else {
$args = func_get_args();
$this->_sqlPreBuild['having'] .= $operator . ' (' . vsprintf($condition, $this->quoteValues($args)) . ')';
return $this;
* 选择查询字段
* @access public
* @param mixed $field 查询字段
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function select($field = '*')
$this->_sqlPreBuild['action'] = Typecho_Db::SELECT;
$args = func_get_args();
$this->_sqlPreBuild['fields'] = $this->getColumnFromParameters($args);
return $this;
* 查询记录操作(SELECT)
* @param string $table 查询的表
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function from($table)
$this->_sqlPreBuild['table'] = $this->filterPrefix($table);
return $this;
* 更新记录操作(UPDATE)
* @param string $table 需要更新记录的表
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function update($table)
$this->_sqlPreBuild['action'] = Typecho_Db::UPDATE;
$this->_sqlPreBuild['table'] = $this->filterPrefix($table);
return $this;
* 删除记录操作(DELETE)
* @param string $table 需要删除记录的表
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function delete($table)
$this->_sqlPreBuild['action'] = Typecho_Db::DELETE;
$this->_sqlPreBuild['table'] = $this->filterPrefix($table);
return $this;
* 插入记录操作(INSERT)
* @param string $table 需要插入记录的表
* @return Typecho_Db_Query
public function insert($table)
$this->_sqlPreBuild['action'] = Typecho_Db::INSERT;
$this->_sqlPreBuild['table'] = $this->filterPrefix($table);
return $this;
* @param $query
* @return string
public function prepare($query)
$params = $this->_params;
$adapter = $this->_adapter;
return preg_replace_callback("/#param:([0-9]+)#/", function ($matches) use ($params, $adapter) {
if (array_key_exists($matches[1], $params)) {
return $adapter->quoteValue($params[$matches[1]]);
} else {
return $matches[0];
}, $query);
* 构造最终查询语句
* @return string
public function __toString()
switch ($this->_sqlPreBuild['action']) {
case Typecho_Db::SELECT:
return $this->_adapter->parseSelect($this->_sqlPreBuild);
case Typecho_Db::INSERT:
return 'INSERT INTO '
. $this->_sqlPreBuild['table']
. '(' . implode(' , ', array_keys($this->_sqlPreBuild['rows'])) . ')'
. ' VALUES '
. '(' . implode(' , ', array_values($this->_sqlPreBuild['rows'])) . ')'
. $this->_sqlPreBuild['limit'];
case Typecho_Db::DELETE:
return 'DELETE FROM '
. $this->_sqlPreBuild['table']
. $this->_sqlPreBuild['where'];
case Typecho_Db::UPDATE:
$columns = array();
if (isset($this->_sqlPreBuild['rows'])) {
foreach ($this->_sqlPreBuild['rows'] as $key => $val) {
$columns[] = "$key = $val";
return 'UPDATE '
. $this->_sqlPreBuild['table']
. ' SET ' . implode(' , ', $columns)
. $this->_sqlPreBuild['where'];
return NULL;