db->fetchRow($this->widget('Widget_Abstract_Contents')->select() ->where('table.contents.cid = ?', $this->cid) ->limit(1), array($this->widget('Widget_Abstract_Contents'), 'filter')); } /** * 获取当前评论标题 * * @access protected * @return string */ protected function ___title() { return $this->parentContent['title']; } /** * 获取当前评论链接 * * @access protected * @return string */ protected function ___permalink() { if ($this->options->commentsPageBreak && 'approved' == $this->status) { $coid = $this->coid; $parent = $this->parent; while ($parent > 0 && $this->options->commentsThreaded) { $parentRows = $this->db->fetchRow($this->db->select('parent')->from('table.comments') ->where('coid = ? AND status = ?', $parent, 'approved')->limit(1)); if (!empty($parentRows)) { $coid = $parent; $parent = $parentRows['parent']; } else { break; } } $select = $this->db->select('coid', 'parent') ->from('table.comments')->where('cid = ? AND status = ?', $this->parentContent['cid'], 'approved') ->where('coid ' . ('DESC' == $this->options->commentsOrder ? '>=' : '<=') . ' ?', $coid) ->order('coid', Typecho_Db::SORT_ASC); if ($this->options->commentsShowCommentOnly) { $select->where('type = ?', 'comment'); } $comments = $this->db->fetchAll($select); $commentsMap = array(); $total = 0; foreach ($comments as $comment) { $commentsMap[$comment['coid']] = $comment['parent']; if (0 == $comment['parent'] || !isset($commentsMap[$comment['parent']])) { $total ++; } } $currentPage = ceil($total / $this->options->commentsPageSize); $pageRow = array('permalink' => $this->parentContent['pathinfo'], 'commentPage' => $currentPage); return Typecho_Router::url('comment_page', $pageRow, $this->options->index) . '#' . $this->theId; } return $this->parentContent['permalink'] . '#' . $this->theId; } /** * 获取当前评论内容 * * @access protected * @return string */ protected function ___content() { $text = $this->parentContent['hidden'] ? _t('内容被隐藏') : $this->text; $text = $this->pluginHandle(__CLASS__)->trigger($plugged)->content($text, $this); if (!$plugged) { $text = $this->options->commentsMarkdown ? $this->markdown($text) : $this->autoP($text); } $text = $this->pluginHandle(__CLASS__)->contentEx($text, $this); return Typecho_Common::stripTags($text, '

' . $this->options->commentsHTMLTagAllowed); } /** * 输出词义化日期 * * @access protected * @return string */ protected function ___dateWord() { return $this->date->word(); } /** * 锚点id * * @access protected * @return string */ protected function ___theId() { return $this->type . '-' . $this->coid; } /** * 获取查询对象 * * @access public * @return Typecho_Db_Query */ public function select() { return $this->db->select('table.comments.coid', 'table.comments.cid', 'table.comments.author', 'table.comments.mail', 'table.comments.url', 'table.comments.ip', 'table.comments.authorId', 'table.comments.ownerId', 'table.comments.agent', 'table.comments.text', 'table.comments.type', 'table.comments.status', 'table.comments.parent', 'table.comments.created') ->from('table.comments'); } /** * 增加评论 * * @access public * @param array $comment 评论结构数组 * @return integer */ public function insert(array $comment) { /** 构建插入结构 */ $insertStruct = array( 'cid' => $comment['cid'], 'created' => empty($comment['created']) ? $this->options->gmtTime : $comment['created'], 'author' => empty($comment['author']) ? NULL : $comment['author'], 'authorId' => empty($comment['authorId']) ? 0 : $comment['authorId'], 'ownerId' => empty($comment['ownerId']) ? 0 : $comment['ownerId'], 'mail' => empty($comment['mail']) ? NULL : $comment['mail'], 'url' => empty($comment['url']) ? NULL : $comment['url'], 'ip' => empty($comment['ip']) ? $this->request->getIp() : $comment['ip'], 'agent' => empty($comment['agent']) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] : $comment['agent'], 'text' => empty($comment['text']) ? NULL : $comment['text'], 'type' => empty($comment['type']) ? 'comment' : $comment['type'], 'status' => empty($comment['status']) ? 'approved' : $comment['status'], 'parent' => empty($comment['parent']) ? 0 : $comment['parent'], ); if (!empty($comment['coid'])) { $insertStruct['coid'] = $comment['coid']; } /** 首先插入部分数据 */ $insertId = $this->db->query($this->db->insert('table.comments')->rows($insertStruct)); /** 更新评论数 */ $num = $this->db->fetchObject($this->db->select(array('COUNT(coid)' => 'num'))->from('table.comments') ->where('status = ? AND cid = ?', 'approved', $comment['cid']))->num; $this->db->query($this->db->update('table.contents')->rows(array('commentsNum' => $num)) ->where('cid = ?', $comment['cid'])); return $insertId; } /** * 更新评论 * * @access public * @param array $comment 评论结构数组 * @param Typecho_Db_Query $condition 查询对象 * @return integer */ public function update(array $comment, Typecho_Db_Query $condition) { /** 获取内容主键 */ $updateCondition = clone $condition; $updateComment = $this->db->fetchObject($condition->select('cid')->from('table.comments')->limit(1)); if ($updateComment) { $cid = $updateComment->cid; } else { return false; } /** 构建插入结构 */ $preUpdateStruct = array( 'author' => empty($comment['author']) ? NULL : $comment['author'], 'mail' => empty($comment['mail']) ? NULL : $comment['mail'], 'url' => empty($comment['url']) ? NULL : $comment['url'], 'text' => empty($comment['text']) ? NULL : $comment['text'], 'status' => empty($comment['status']) ? 'approved' : $comment['status'], ); $updateStruct = array(); foreach ($comment as $key => $val) { if ((array_key_exists($key, $preUpdateStruct))) { $updateStruct[$key] = $preUpdateStruct[$key]; } } /** 更新创建时间 */ if (!empty($comment['created'])) { $updateStruct['created'] = $comment['created']; } /** 更新评论数据 */ $updateRows = $this->db->query($updateCondition->update('table.comments')->rows($updateStruct)); /** 更新评论数 */ $num = $this->db->fetchObject($this->db->select(array('COUNT(coid)' => 'num'))->from('table.comments') ->where('status = ? AND cid = ?', 'approved', $cid))->num; $this->db->query($this->db->update('table.contents')->rows(array('commentsNum' => $num)) ->where('cid = ?', $cid)); return $updateRows; } /** * 删除数据 * * @access public * @param Typecho_Db_Query $condition 查询对象 * @return integer */ public function delete(Typecho_Db_Query $condition) { /** 获取内容主键 */ $deleteCondition = clone $condition; $deleteComment = $this->db->fetchObject($condition->select('cid')->from('table.comments')->limit(1)); if ($deleteComment) { $cid = $deleteComment->cid; } else { return false; } /** 删除评论数据 */ $deleteRows = $this->db->query($deleteCondition->delete('table.comments')); /** 更新评论数 */ $num = $this->db->fetchObject($this->db->select(array('COUNT(coid)' => 'num'))->from('table.comments') ->where('status = ? AND cid = ?', 'approved', $cid))->num; $this->db->query($this->db->update('table.contents')->rows(array('commentsNum' => $num)) ->where('cid = ?', $cid)); return $deleteRows; } /** * 评论是否可以被修改 * * @access public * @param Typecho_Db_Query $condition 条件 * @return mixed */ public function commentIsWriteable(Typecho_Db_Query $condition = NULL) { if (empty($condition)) { if ($this->have() && ($this->user->pass('editor', true) || $this->ownerId == $this->user->uid)) { return true; } } else { $post = $this->db->fetchRow($condition->select('ownerId')->from('table.comments')->limit(1)); if ($post && ($this->user->pass('editor', true) || $post['ownerId'] == $this->user->uid)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * 按照条件计算评论数量 * * @access public * @param Typecho_Db_Query $condition 查询对象 * @return integer */ public function size(Typecho_Db_Query $condition) { return $this->db->fetchObject($condition->select(array('COUNT(coid)' => 'num'))->from('table.comments'))->num; } /** * 通用过滤器 * * @access public * @param array $value 需要过滤的行数据 * @return array */ public function filter(array $value) { $value['date'] = new Typecho_Date($value['created']); $value = $this->pluginHandle(__CLASS__)->filter($value, $this); return $value; } /** * 将每行的值压入堆栈 * * @access public * @param array $value 每行的值 * @return array */ public function push(array $value) { $value = $this->filter($value); return parent::push($value); } /** * 输出文章发布日期 * * @access public * @param string $format 日期格式 * @return void */ public function date($format = NULL) { echo $this->date->format(empty($format) ? $this->options->commentDateFormat : $format); } /** * 输出作者相关 * * @access public * @param boolean $autoLink 是否自动加上链接 * @param boolean $noFollow 是否加上nofollow标签 * @return void */ public function author($autoLink = NULL, $noFollow = NULL) { $autoLink = (NULL === $autoLink) ? $this->options->commentsShowUrl : $autoLink; $noFollow = (NULL === $noFollow) ? $this->options->commentsUrlNofollow : $noFollow; if ($this->url && $autoLink) { echo '' , $this->author , ''; } else { echo $this->author; } } /** * 调用gravatar输出用户头像 * * @access public * @param integer $size 头像尺寸 * @param string $default 默认输出头像 * @return void */ public function gravatar($size = 32, $default = NULL) { if ($this->options->commentsAvatar && 'comment' == $this->type) { $rating = $this->options->commentsAvatarRating; $this->pluginHandle(__CLASS__)->trigger($plugged)->gravatar($size, $rating, $default, $this); if (!$plugged) { $url = Typecho_Common::gravatarUrl($this->mail, $size, $rating, $default, $this->request->isSecure()); echo '' .
                $this->author . ''; } } } /** * 输出评论摘要 * * @access public * @param integer $length 摘要截取长度 * @param string $trim 摘要后缀 * @return void */ public function excerpt($length = 100, $trim = '...') { echo Typecho_Common::subStr(strip_tags($this->content), 0, $length, $trim); } /** * autoP * * @param mixed $text * @access public * @return void */ public function autoP($text) { $html = $this->pluginHandle(__CLASS__)->trigger($parsed)->autoP($text); if (!$parsed) { static $parser; if (empty($parser)) { $parser = new AutoP(); } $html = $parser->parse($text); } return $html; } /** * markdown * * @param mixed $text * @access public * @return void */ public function markdown($text) { $html = $this->pluginHandle(__CLASS__)->trigger($parsed)->markdown($text); if (!$parsed) { $html = Markdown::convert($text); } return $html; } }