You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

918 lines
29 KiB

if (!defined('__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__')) exit;
* 编辑文章
* @category typecho
* @package Widget
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Typecho team (
* @license GNU General Public License 2.0
* @version $Id$
* 编辑文章组件
* @author qining
* @category typecho
* @package Widget
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Typecho team (
* @license GNU General Public License 2.0
class Widget_Contents_Post_Edit extends Widget_Abstract_Contents implements Widget_Interface_Do
* 自定义字段的hook名称
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $themeCustomFieldsHook = 'themePostFields';
* 将tags取出
* @access protected
* @return array
protected function ___tags()
if ($this->have()) {
return $this->db->fetchAll($this->db
->join('table.relationships', 'table.relationships.mid = table.metas.mid')
->where('table.relationships.cid = ?', $this->cid)
->where('table.metas.type = ?', 'tag'), array($this->widget('Widget_Abstract_Metas'), 'filter'));
return array();
* 获取当前时间
* @access protected
* @return Typecho_Date
protected function ___date()
return new Typecho_Date($this->options->gmtTime);
* 当前文章的草稿
* @access protected
* @return array
protected function ___draft()
if ($this->have()) {
if ('post_draft' == $this->type) {
return $this->row;
} else {
return $this->db->fetchRow($this->widget('Widget_Abstract_Contents')->select()
->where('table.contents.parent = ? AND (table.contents.type = ? OR table.contents.type = ?)',
$this->cid, 'post_draft', 'page_draft')
->limit(1), array($this->widget('Widget_Abstract_Contents'), 'filter'));
return NULL;
* getFields
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function getFields()
$fields = array();
$fieldNames = $this->request->getArray('fieldNames');
if (!empty($fieldNames)) {
$data = array(
'fieldNames' => $this->request->getArray('fieldNames'),
'fieldTypes' => $this->request->getArray('fieldTypes'),
'fieldValues' => $this->request->getArray('fieldValues')
foreach ($data['fieldNames'] as $key => $val) {
if (empty($val)) {
$fields[$val] = array($data['fieldTypes'][$key], $data['fieldValues'][$key]);
$customFields = $this->request->getArray('fields');
if (!empty($customFields)) {
$fields = array_merge($fields, $customFields);
return $fields;
* 根据提交值获取created字段值
* @access protected
* @return integer
protected function getCreated()
$created = $this->options->gmtTime;
if (!empty($this->request->created)) {
$created = $this->request->created;
} else if (!empty($this->request->date)) {
$dstOffset = !empty($this->request->dst) ? $this->request->dst : 0;
$created = strtotime($this->request->date) - $this->options->timezone + $this->options->serverTimezone - $dstOffset;
} else if (!empty($this->request->year) && !empty($this->request->month) && !empty($this->request->day)) {
$second = intval($this->request->get('sec', date('s')));
$min = intval($this->request->get('min', date('i')));
$hour = intval($this->request->get('hour', date('H')));
$year = intval($this->request->year);
$month = intval($this->request->month);
$day = intval($this->request->day);
$created = mktime($hour, $min, $second, $month, $day, $year) - $this->options->timezone + $this->options->serverTimezone;
} else if ($this->request->is('cid')) {
$created = $this->created;
return $created;
* 同步附件
* @access protected
* @param integer $cid 内容id
* @return void
protected function attach($cid)
$attachments = $this->request->getArray('attachment');
if (!empty($attachments)) {
foreach ($attachments as $key => $attachment) {
$this->db->query($this->db->update('table.contents')->rows(array('parent' => $cid, 'status' => 'publish',
'order' => $key + 1))->where('cid = ? AND type = ?', $attachment, 'attachment'));
* 取消附件关联
* @access protected
* @param integer $cid 内容id
* @return void
protected function unAttach($cid)
$this->db->query($this->db->update('table.contents')->rows(array('parent' => 0, 'status' => 'publish'))
->where('parent = ? AND type = ?', $cid, 'attachment'));
* 获取页面偏移的URL Query
* @access protected
* @param integer $created 创建时间
* @param string $status 状态
* @return string
protected function getPageOffsetQuery($created, $status = NULL)
return 'page=' . $this->getPageOffset('created', $created, 'post', $status,
'on' == $this->request->__typecho_all_posts ? 0 : $this->user->uid);
* 删除草稿
* @access protected
* @param integer $cid 草稿id
* @return void
protected function deleteDraft($cid)
$this->delete($this->db->sql()->where('cid = ?', $cid));
/** 删除草稿分类 */
$this->setCategories($cid, array(), false, false);
/** 删除标签 */
$this->setTags($cid, NULL, false, false);
* 发布内容
* @access protected
* @param array $contents 内容结构
* @return void
protected function publish(array $contents)
/** 发布内容, 检查是否具有直接发布的权限 */
if ($this->user->pass('editor', true)) {
if (empty($contents['visibility'])) {
$contents['status'] = 'publish';
} else if ('password' == $contents['visibility'] || !in_array($contents['visibility'], array('private', 'waiting', 'publish', 'hidden'))) {
if (empty($contents['password']) || 'password' != $contents['visibility']) {
$contents['password'] = '';
$contents['status'] = 'publish';
} else {
$contents['status'] = $contents['visibility'];
$contents['password'] = '';
} else {
$contents['status'] = 'waiting';
$contents['password'] = '';
/** 真实的内容id */
$realId = 0;
/** 是否是从草稿状态发布 */
$isDraftToPublish = ('post_draft' == $this->type);
$isBeforePublish = ('publish' == $this->status);
$isAfterPublish = ('publish' == $contents['status']);
/** 重新发布现有内容 */
if ($this->have()) {
/** 如果它本身不是草稿, 需要删除其草稿 */
if (!$isDraftToPublish && $this->draft) {
/** 直接将草稿状态更改 */
if ($this->update($contents, $this->db->sql()->where('cid = ?', $this->cid))) {
$realId = $this->cid;
} else {
/** 发布一个新内容 */
$realId = $this->insert($contents);
if ($realId > 0) {
/** 插入分类 */
if (array_key_exists('category', $contents)) {
$this->setCategories($realId, !empty($contents['category']) && is_array($contents['category']) ?
$contents['category'] : array($this->options->defaultCategory), !$isDraftToPublish && $isBeforePublish, $isAfterPublish);
/** 插入标签 */
if (array_key_exists('tags', $contents)) {
$this->setTags($realId, $contents['tags'], !$isDraftToPublish && $isBeforePublish, $isAfterPublish);
/** 同步附件 */
/** 保存自定义字段 */
$this->applyFields($this->getFields(), $realId);
$this->db->fetchRow($this->select()->where('table.contents.cid = ?', $realId)->limit(1), array($this, 'push'));
* 保存内容
* @access protected
* @param array $contents 内容结构
* @return void
protected function save(array $contents)
/** 发布内容, 检查是否具有直接发布的权限 */
if ($this->user->pass('editor', true)) {
if (empty($contents['visibility'])) {
$contents['status'] = 'publish';
} else if ('password' == $contents['visibility'] || !in_array($contents['visibility'], array('private', 'waiting', 'publish', 'hidden'))) {
if (empty($contents['password']) || 'password' != $contents['visibility']) {
$contents['password'] = '';
$contents['status'] = 'publish';
} else {
$contents['status'] = $contents['visibility'];
$contents['password'] = '';
} else {
$contents['status'] = 'waiting';
$contents['password'] = '';
/** 真实的内容id */
$realId = 0;
/** 如果草稿已经存在 */
if ($this->draft) {
/** 直接将草稿状态更改 */
if ($this->update($contents, $this->db->sql()->where('cid = ?', $this->draft['cid']))) {
$realId = $this->draft['cid'];
} else {
if ($this->have()) {
$contents['parent'] = $this->cid;
/** 发布一个新内容 */
$realId = $this->insert($contents);
if (!$this->have()) {
$this->db->fetchRow($this->select()->where('table.contents.cid = ?', $realId)->limit(1), array($this, 'push'));
if ($realId > 0) {
//$this->db->fetchRow($this->select()->where('table.contents.cid = ?', $realId)->limit(1), array($this, 'push'));
/** 插入分类 */
if (array_key_exists('category', $contents)) {
$this->setCategories($realId, !empty($contents['category']) && is_array($contents['category']) ?
$contents['category'] : array($this->options->defaultCategory), false, false);
/** 插入标签 */
if (array_key_exists('tags', $contents)) {
$this->setTags($realId, $contents['tags'], false, false);
/** 同步附件 */
/** 保存自定义字段 */
$this->applyFields($this->getFields(), $realId);
* 执行函数
* @access public
* @return void
public function execute()
/** 必须为贡献者以上权限 */
/** 获取文章内容 */
if (!empty($this->request->cid) && 'delete' != $this->request->do) {
->where('table.contents.type = ? OR table.contents.type = ?', 'post', 'post_draft')
->where('table.contents.cid = ?', $this->request->filter('int')->cid)
->limit(1), array($this, 'push'));
if ('post_draft' == $this->type && $this->parent) {
$this->response->redirect(Typecho_Common::url('write-post.php?cid=' . $this->parent, $this->options->adminUrl));
if (!$this->have()) {
throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('文章不存在'), 404);
} else if ($this->have() && !$this->allow('edit')) {
throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('没有编辑权限'), 403);
* 过滤堆栈
* @access public
* @param array $value 每行的值
* @return array
public function filter(array $value)
if ('post' == $value['type'] || 'page' == $value['type']) {
$draft = $this->db->fetchRow($this->widget('Widget_Abstract_Contents')->select()
->where('table.contents.parent = ? AND table.contents.type = ?',
$value['cid'], $value['type'] . '_draft')
if (!empty($draft)) {
$draft['slug'] = ltrim($draft['slug'], '@');
$draft['type'] = $value['type'];
$draft = parent::filter($draft);
$draft['tags'] = $this->db->fetchAll($this->db
->join('table.relationships', 'table.relationships.mid = table.metas.mid')
->where('table.relationships.cid = ?', $draft['cid'])
->where('table.metas.type = ?', 'tag'), array($this->widget('Widget_Abstract_Metas'), 'filter'));
$draft['cid'] = $value['cid'];
return $draft;
return parent::filter($value);
* 输出文章发布日期
* @access public
* @param string $format 日期格式
* @return void
public function date($format = NULL)
if (isset($this->created)) {
} else {
echo date($format, $this->options->gmtTime + $this->options->timezone - $this->options->serverTimezone);
* 获取文章权限
* @access public
* @param string $permission 权限
* @return unknown
public function allow()
$permissions = func_get_args();
$allow = true;
foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
$permission = strtolower($permission);
if ('edit' == $permission) {
$allow &= ($this->user->pass('editor', true) || $this->authorId == $this->user->uid);
} else {
$permission = 'allow' . ucfirst(strtolower($permission));
$optionPermission = 'default' . ucfirst($permission);
$allow &= (isset($this->{$permission}) ? $this->{$permission} : $this->options->{$optionPermission});
return $allow;
* 获取网页标题
* @access public
* @return string
public function getMenuTitle()
return _t('编辑 %s', $this->title);
* getDefaultFieldItems
* @access public
* @return array
public function getDefaultFieldItems()
$defaultFields = array();
$configFile = $this->options->themeFile($this->options->theme, 'functions.php');
$layout = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Layout();
$fields = new Typecho_Config();
if ($this->have()) {
$fields = $this->fields;
if (file_exists($configFile)) {
require_once $configFile;
if (function_exists('themeFields')) {
if (function_exists($this->themeCustomFieldsHook)) {
call_user_func($this->themeCustomFieldsHook, $layout);
$items = $layout->getItems();
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item instanceof Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element) {
$name = $item->input->getAttribute('name');
$isFieldReadOnly = $this->pluginHandle('Widget_Abstract_Contents')
if ($plugged && $isFieldReadOnly) {
if (preg_match("/^fields\[(.+)\]$/", $name, $matches)) {
$name = $matches[1];
} else {
foreach ($item->inputs as $input) {
$input->setAttribute('name', 'fields[' . $name . ']');
$elements = $item->container->getItems();
$div = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Layout('div');
foreach ($elements as $el) {
$defaultFields[$name] = array($item->label, $div);
return $defaultFields;
* getFieldItems
* @access public
* @return void
public function getFieldItems()
$fields = array();
if ($this->have()) {
$defaultFields = $this->getDefaultFieldItems();
$rows = $this->db->fetchAll($this->db->select()->from('table.fields')
->where('cid = ?', $this->cid));
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$isFieldReadOnly = $this->pluginHandle('Widget_Abstract_Contents')
if ($plugged && $isFieldReadOnly) {
if (!isset($defaultFields[$row['name']])) {
$fields[] = $row;
return $fields;
* 设置内容标签
* @access public
* @param integer $cid
* @param string $tags
* @param boolean $count 是否参与计数
* @return string
public function setTags($cid, $tags, $beforeCount = true, $afterCount = true)
$tags = str_replace(',', ',', $tags);
$tags = array_unique(array_map('trim', explode(',', $tags)));
$tags = array_filter($tags, array('Typecho_Validate', 'xssCheck'));
/** 取出已有tag */
$existTags = Typecho_Common::arrayFlatten($this->db->fetchAll(
->join('table.relationships', 'table.relationships.mid = table.metas.mid')
->where('table.relationships.cid = ?', $cid)
->where('table.metas.type = ?', 'tag')), 'mid');
/** 删除已有tag */
if ($existTags) {
foreach ($existTags as $tag) {
if (0 == strlen($tag)) {
->where('cid = ?', $cid)
->where('mid = ?', $tag));
if ($beforeCount) {
->expression('count', 'count - 1')
->where('mid = ?', $tag));
/** 取出插入tag */
$insertTags = $this->widget('Widget_Abstract_Metas')->scanTags($tags);
/** 插入tag */
if ($insertTags) {
foreach ($insertTags as $tag) {
if (0 == strlen($tag)) {
'mid' => $tag,
'cid' => $cid
if ($afterCount) {
->expression('count', 'count + 1')
->where('mid = ?', $tag));
* 设置分类
* @access public
* @param integer $cid 内容id
* @param array $categories 分类id的集合数组
* @param boolean $count 是否参与计数
* @return integer
public function setCategories($cid, array $categories, $beforeCount = true, $afterCount = true)
$categories = array_unique(array_map('trim', $categories));
/** 取出已有category */
$existCategories = Typecho_Common::arrayFlatten($this->db->fetchAll(
->join('table.relationships', 'table.relationships.mid = table.metas.mid')
->where('table.relationships.cid = ?', $cid)
->where('table.metas.type = ?', 'category')), 'mid');
/** 删除已有category */
if ($existCategories) {
foreach ($existCategories as $category) {
->where('cid = ?', $cid)
->where('mid = ?', $category));
if ($beforeCount) {
->expression('count', 'count - 1')
->where('mid = ?', $category));
/** 插入category */
if ($categories) {
foreach ($categories as $category) {
/** 如果分类不存在 */
if (!$this->db->fetchRow($this->db->select('mid')
->where('mid = ?', $category)
->limit(1))) {
'mid' => $category,
'cid' => $cid
if ($afterCount) {
->expression('count', 'count + 1')
->where('mid = ?', $category));
* 发布文章
* @access public
* @return void
public function writePost()
$contents = $this->request->from('password', 'allowComment',
'allowPing', 'allowFeed', 'slug', 'tags', 'text', 'visibility');
$contents['category'] = $this->request->getArray('category');
$contents['title'] = $this->request->get('title', _t('未命名文档'));
$contents['created'] = $this->getCreated();
if ($this->request->markdown && $this->options->markdown) {
$contents['text'] = '<!--markdown-->' . $contents['text'];
$contents = $this->pluginHandle()->write($contents, $this);
if ($this->request->is('do=publish')) {
/** 重新发布已经存在的文章 */
$contents['type'] = 'post';
// 完成发布插件接口
$this->pluginHandle()->finishPublish($contents, $this);
/** 发送ping */
$trackback = array_unique(preg_split("/(\r|\n|\r\n)/", trim($this->request->trackback)));
$this->widget('Widget_Service')->sendPing($this->cid, $trackback);
/** 设置提示信息 */
$this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set('post' == $this->type ?
_t('文章 "<a href="%s">%s</a>" 已经发布', $this->permalink, $this->title) :
_t('文章 "%s" 等待审核', $this->title), 'success');
/** 设置高亮 */
/** 获取页面偏移 */
$pageQuery = $this->getPageOffsetQuery($this->created);
/** 页面跳转 */
$this->response->redirect(Typecho_Common::url('manage-posts.php?' . $pageQuery, $this->options->adminUrl));
} else {
/** 保存文章 */
$contents['type'] = 'post_draft';
// 完成保存插件接口
$this->pluginHandle()->finishSave($contents, $this);
if ($this->request->isAjax()) {
$created = new Typecho_Date($this->options->gmtTime);
'success' => 1,
'time' => $created->format('H:i:s A'),
'cid' => $this->cid
} else {
/** 设置提示信息 */
$this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set(_t('草稿 "%s" 已经被保存', $this->title), 'success');
/** 返回原页面 */
$this->response->redirect(Typecho_Common::url('write-post.php?cid=' . $this->cid, $this->options->adminUrl));
* 删除文章
* @access public
* @return void
public function deletePost()
$posts = $this->request->filter('int')->getArray('cid');
$deleteCount = 0;
foreach ($posts as $post) {
// 删除插件接口
$this->pluginHandle()->delete($post, $this);
$condition = $this->db->sql()->where('cid = ?', $post);
$postObject = $this->db->fetchObject($this->db->select('status', 'type')
->from('table.contents')->where('cid = ? AND type = ?', $post, 'post'));
if ($this->isWriteable($condition) &&
$postObject &&
$this->delete($condition)) {
/** 删除分类 */
$this->setCategories($post, array(), 'publish' == $postObject->status
&& 'post' == $postObject->type);
/** 删除标签 */
$this->setTags($post, NULL, 'publish' == $postObject->status
&& 'post' == $postObject->type);
/** 删除评论 */
->where('cid = ?', $post));
/** 解除附件关联 */
/** 删除草稿 */
$draft = $this->db->fetchRow($this->db->select('cid')
->where('table.contents.parent = ? AND table.contents.type = ?',
$post, 'post_draft')
/** 删除自定义字段 */
if ($draft) {
// 完成删除插件接口
$this->pluginHandle()->finishDelete($post, $this);
$deleteCount ++;
// 清理标签
if ($deleteCount > 0) {
/** 设置提示信息 */
$this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set($deleteCount > 0 ? _t('文章已经被删除') : _t('没有文章被删除'),
$deleteCount > 0 ? 'success' : 'notice');
/** 返回原网页 */
* 删除文章所属草稿
* @access public
* @return void
public function deletePostDraft()
$posts = $this->request->filter('int')->getArray('cid');
$deleteCount = 0;
foreach ($posts as $post) {
/** 删除草稿 */
$draft = $this->db->fetchRow($this->db->select('cid')
->where('table.contents.parent = ? AND table.contents.type = ?',
$post, 'post_draft')
if ($draft) {
$deleteCount ++;
/** 设置提示信息 */
$this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set($deleteCount > 0 ? _t('草稿已经被删除') : _t('没有草稿被删除'),
$deleteCount > 0 ? 'success' : 'notice');
/** 返回原网页 */
* 输出Markdown预览
* @access public
* @return void
public function preview()
* 绑定动作
* @access public
* @return void
public function action()
$this->on($this->request->is('do=publish') || $this->request->is('do=save'))->writePost();