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* 编辑用户
* @link typecho
* @package Widget
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Typecho team (
* @license GNU General Public License 2.0
* @version $Id$
* 编辑用户组件
* @link typecho
* @package Widget
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Typecho team (
* @license GNU General Public License 2.0
class Widget_Users_Edit extends Widget_Abstract_Users implements Widget_Interface_Do
* 获取页面偏移的URL Query
* @access protected
* @param integer $uid 用户id
* @return string
protected function getPageOffsetQuery($uid)
return 'page=' . $this->getPageOffset('uid', $uid);
* 执行函数
* @access public
* @return void
public function execute()
/** 管理员以上权限 */
/** 更新模式 */
if (($this->request->uid && 'delete' != $this->request->do) || 'update' == $this->request->do) {
->where('uid = ?', $this->request->uid)->limit(1), array($this, 'push'));
if (!$this->have()) {
throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('用户不存在'), 404);
* 获取菜单标题
* @access public
* @return string
public function getMenuTitle()
return _t('编辑用户 %s', $this->name);
* 判断用户是否存在
* @access public
* @param integer $uid 用户主键
* @return boolean
public function userExists($uid)
$user = $this->db->fetchRow($this->db->select()
->where('uid = ?', $uid)->limit(1));
return !empty($user);
* 生成表单
* @access public
* @param string $action 表单动作
* @return Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form
public function form($action = NULL)
/** 构建表格 */
$form = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form($this->security->getIndex('/action/users-edit'),
/** 用户名称 */
$name = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('name', NULL, NULL, _t('用户名 *'), _t('此用户名将作为用户登录时所用的名称.')
. '<br />' . _t('请不要与系统中现有的用户名重复.'));
/** 电子邮箱地址 */
$mail = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('mail', NULL, NULL, _t('电子邮箱地址 *'), _t('电子邮箱地址将作为此用户的主要联系方式.')
. '<br />' . _t('请不要与系统中现有的电子邮箱地址重复.'));
/** 用户昵称 */
$screenName = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('screenName', NULL, NULL, _t('用户昵称'), _t('用户昵称可以与用户名不同, 用于前台显示.')
. '<br />' . _t('如果你将此项留空, 将默认使用用户名.'));
/** 用户密码 */
$password = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Password('password', NULL, NULL, _t('用户密码'), _t('为此用户分配一个密码.')
. '<br />' . _t('建议使用特殊字符与字母、数字的混编样式,以增加系统安全性.'));
$password->input->setAttribute('class', 'w-60');
/** 用户密码确认 */
$confirm = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Password('confirm', NULL, NULL, _t('用户密码确认'), _t('请确认你的密码, 与上面输入的密码保持一致.'));
$confirm->input->setAttribute('class', 'w-60');
/** 个人主页地址 */
$url = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('url', NULL, NULL, _t('个人主页地址'), _t('此用户的个人主页地址, 请用 <code>http://</code> 开头.'));
/** 用户组 */
$group = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Select('group', array('subscriber' => _t('关注者'),
'contributor' => _t('贡献者'), 'editor' => _t('编辑'), 'administrator' => _t('管理员')),
NULL, _t('用户组'), _t('不同的用户组拥有不同的权限.')
. '<br />' . _t('具体的权限分配表请<a href="">参考这里</a>.'));
/** 用户动作 */
$do = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Hidden('do');
/** 用户主键 */
$uid = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Hidden('uid');
/** 提交按钮 */
$submit = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Submit();
$submit->input->setAttribute('class', 'btn primary');
if (NULL != $this->request->uid) {
$_action = 'update';
} else {
$_action = 'insert';
if (empty($action)) {
$action = $_action;
/** 给表单增加规则 */
if ('insert' == $action || 'update' == $action) {
$screenName->addRule(array($this, 'screenNameExists'), _t('昵称已经存在'));
$screenName->addRule('xssCheck', _t('请不要在昵称中使用特殊字符'));
$url->addRule('url', _t('个人主页地址格式错误'));
$mail->addRule('required', _t('必须填写电子邮箱'));
$mail->addRule(array($this, 'mailExists'), _t('电子邮箱地址已经存在'));
$mail->addRule('email', _t('电子邮箱格式错误'));
$password->addRule('minLength', _t('为了保证账户安全, 请输入至少六位的密码'), 6);
$confirm->addRule('confirm', _t('两次输入的密码不一致'), 'password');
if ('insert' == $action) {
$name->addRule('required', _t('必须填写用户名称'));
$name->addRule('xssCheck', _t('请不要在用户名中使用特殊字符'));
$name->addRule(array($this, 'nameExists'), _t('用户名已经存在'));
$password->label(_t('用户密码 *'));
$confirm->label(_t('用户密码确认 *'));
$password->addRule('required', _t('必须填写密码'));
if ('update' == $action) {
$name->input->setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
$uid->addRule('required', _t('用户主键不存在'));
$uid->addRule(array($this, 'userExists'), _t('用户不存在'));
return $form;
* 增加用户
* @access public
* @return void
public function insertUser()
if ($this->form('insert')->validate()) {
$hasher = new PasswordHash(8, true);
/** 取出数据 */
$user = $this->request->from('name', 'mail', 'screenName', 'password', 'url', 'group');
$user['screenName'] = empty($user['screenName']) ? $user['name'] : $user['screenName'];
$user['password'] = $hasher->HashPassword($user['password']);
$user['created'] = $this->options->gmtTime;
/** 插入数据 */
$user['uid'] = $this->insert($user);
/** 设置高亮 */
$this->widget('Widget_Notice')->highlight('user-' . $user['uid']);
/** 提示信息 */
$this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set(_t('用户 %s 已经被增加', $user['screenName']), 'success');
/** 转向原页 */
$this->response->redirect(Typecho_Common::url('manage-users.php', $this->options->adminUrl));
* 更新用户
* @access public
* @return void
public function updateUser()
if ($this->form('update')->validate()) {
/** 取出数据 */
$user = $this->request->from('mail', 'screenName', 'password', 'url', 'group');
$user['screenName'] = empty($user['screenName']) ? $user['name'] : $user['screenName'];
if (empty($user['password'])) {
} else {
$hasher = new PasswordHash(8, true);
$user['password'] = $hasher->HashPassword($user['password']);
/** 更新数据 */
$this->update($user, $this->db->sql()->where('uid = ?', $this->request->uid));
/** 设置高亮 */
$this->widget('Widget_Notice')->highlight('user-' . $this->request->uid);
/** 提示信息 */
$this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set(_t('用户 %s 已经被更新', $user['screenName']), 'success');
/** 转向原页 */
$this->response->redirect(Typecho_Common::url('manage-users.php?' .
$this->getPageOffsetQuery($this->request->uid), $this->options->adminUrl));
* 删除用户
* @access public
* @return void
public function deleteUser()
$users = $this->request->filter('int')->getArray('uid');
$masterUserId = $this->db->fetchObject($this->db->select(array('MIN(uid)' => 'num'))->from('table.users'))->num;
$deleteCount = 0;
foreach ($users as $user) {
if ($masterUserId == $user || $user == $this->user->id) {
if ($this->delete($this->db->sql()->where('uid = ?', $user))) {
$deleteCount ++;
/** 提示信息 */
$this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set($deleteCount > 0 ? _t('用户已经删除') : _t('没有用户被删除'),
$deleteCount > 0 ? 'success' : 'notice');
/** 转向原页 */
$this->response->redirect(Typecho_Common::url('manage-users.php', $this->options->adminUrl));
* 入口函数
* @access public
* @return void
public function action()