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* Typecho Blog Platform
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Typecho team (
* @license GNU General Public License 2.0
* @version $Id$
* 数据库Pgsql适配器
* @package Db
class Typecho_Db_Adapter_Pgsql implements Typecho_Db_Adapter
* 数据库连接字符串标示
* @access private
* @var resource
private $_dbLink;
* 最后一次操作的数据表
* @access protected
* @var string
protected $_lastTable;
* 判断适配器是否可用
* @access public
* @return boolean
public static function isAvailable()
return function_exists('pg_connect');
* 数据库连接函数
* @param Typecho_Config $config 数据库配置
* @throws Typecho_Db_Exception
* @return resource
public function connect(Typecho_Config $config)
if ($this->_dbLink = @pg_connect("host={$config->host} port={$config->port} dbname={$config->database} user={$config->user} password={$config->password}")) {
if ($config->charset) {
pg_query($this->_dbLink, "SET NAMES '{$config->charset}'");
return $this->_dbLink;
/** 数据库异常 */
throw new Typecho_Db_Adapter_Exception(@pg_last_error($this->_dbLink));
* 获取数据库版本
* @param mixed $handle
* @return string
public function getVersion($handle)
$version = pg_version($handle);
return 'ext:pgsql ' . $version['server'];
* 执行数据库查询
* @param string $query 数据库查询SQL字符串
* @param mixed $handle 连接对象
* @param integer $op 数据库读写状态
* @param string $action 数据库动作
* @throws Typecho_Db_Exception
* @return resource
public function query($query, $handle, $op = Typecho_Db::READ, $action = NULL)
$isQueryObject = $query instanceof Typecho_Db_Query;
$this->_lastTable = $isQueryObject ? $query->getAttribute('table') : NULL;
if ($resource = @pg_query($handle, $isQueryObject ? $query->__toString() : $query)) {
return $resource;
/** 数据库异常 */
throw new Typecho_Db_Query_Exception(@pg_last_error($this->_dbLink),
pg_result_error_field(pg_get_result($this->_dbLink), PGSQL_DIAG_SQLSTATE));
* 将数据查询的其中一行作为数组取出,其中字段名对应数组键值
* @param resource $resource 查询返回资源标识
* @return array
public function fetch($resource)
return pg_fetch_assoc($resource);
* 将数据查询的其中一行作为对象取出,其中字段名对应对象属性
* @param resource $resource 查询的资源数据
* @return object
public function fetchObject($resource)
return pg_fetch_object($resource);
* 引号转义函数
* @param string $string 需要转义的字符串
* @return string
public function quoteValue($string)
return '\'' . pg_escape_string($string) . '\'';
* 对象引号过滤
* @access public
* @param string $string
* @return string
public function quoteColumn($string)
return '"' . $string . '"';
* 合成查询语句
* @access public
* @param array $sql 查询对象词法数组
* @return string
public function parseSelect(array $sql)
if (!empty($sql['join'])) {
foreach ($sql['join'] as $val) {
list($table, $condition, $op) = $val;
$sql['table'] = "{$sql['table']} {$op} JOIN {$table} ON {$condition}";
$sql['limit'] = (0 == strlen($sql['limit'])) ? NULL : ' LIMIT ' . $sql['limit'];
$sql['offset'] = (0 == strlen($sql['offset'])) ? NULL : ' OFFSET ' . $sql['offset'];
return 'SELECT ' . $sql['fields'] . ' FROM ' . $sql['table'] .
$sql['where'] . $sql['group'] . $sql['having'] . $sql['order'] . $sql['limit'] . $sql['offset'];
* 取出最后一次查询影响的行数
* @param resource $resource 查询的资源数据
* @param mixed $handle 连接对象
* @return integer
public function affectedRows($resource, $handle)
return pg_affected_rows($resource);
* 取出最后一次插入返回的主键值
* @param resource $resource 查询的资源数据
* @param mixed $handle 连接对象
* @return integer
public function lastInsertId($resource, $handle)
/** 查看是否存在序列,可能需要更严格的检查 */
if (pg_fetch_assoc(pg_query($handle, 'SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = ' . $this->quoteValue($this->_lastTable . '_seq')))) {
return pg_fetch_result(pg_query($handle, 'SELECT CURRVAL(' . $this->quoteValue($this->_lastTable . '_seq') . ')'), 0, 0);
return 0;