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#ifndef __WINTAP_H
#define __WINTAP_H
// Network-Endian (= Big-Endian)
typedef struct TapConfigTun
struct in_addr Address;
struct in_addr Network;
struct in_addr Mask;
} TapConfigTun_t, *PTapConfigTun_t;
// Network-Endian (= Big-Endian), except LeaseDuration
typedef struct TapConfigDhcp
struct in_addr Address;
struct in_addr Mask;
struct in_addr DhcpServer;
uint32_t LeaseDuration; // Host-Endian (=Little-Endian). Anything else is Big-Endian
} TapConfigDhcp_t, *PTapConfigDhcp_t;
typedef struct TapDriverVersion
uint32_t Major;
uint32_t Minor;
uint32_t Build;
uint32_t Revision;
} TapDriverVersion_t, *PTapDriverVersion_t;
// Network-Endian (= Big-Endian)
typedef struct IpPacket {
uint8_t ip_hl : 4, /* header length */
ip_v : 4; /* version */
uint8_t ip_tos; /* type of service */
int16_t ip_len; /* total length */
uint16_t ip_id; /* identification */
int16_t ip_off; /* fragment offset field */
uint8_t ip_ttl; /* time to live */
uint8_t ip_p; /* protocol */
uint16_t ip_sum; /* checksum */
uint32_t ip_src, ip_dst; /* source and dest address */
uint8_t payload[0];
} IpPacket_t, *PIpPacket_t;
void startTap(char* const argument);
#endif //__WINTAP_H