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/* *****************************************************************
6 years ago
* this is the code for control unit in dinner
* *****************************************************************/
6 years ago
// MQTT auth code and WIFI
#define MQTT_AUTH_CODE "ca8c82dc98b6"
#define WIFI_SSID "yimian-iot"
#define WIFI_PASSWD "1234567890."
// Pins Log ID
#define W_DEVICE_ID ""
#define W_LIGHT_ID "dd"
#define W_SWI_ID ""
#define W_TEMP_ID ""
#define W_HUM_ID ""
#define W_BUZ_ID ""
#define W_R1_ID ""
// Set as WIFI mode
6 years ago
#define BLINKER_PRINT Serial
6 years ago
// Include Blinker lib
#include <Blinker.h>
6 years ago
// Correspond Pins to Tag
#define lightCtl D5 //Control the light
#define swiIn D4 // Pins for Check the switch state :: signal In
#define swiOut D8 // Pins for Check the switch state :: signal Out
// Parameter Define
#define SWI_TRY_TIMES 300
6 years ago
// Set wifi and MQTT config
char auth[] = MQTT_AUTH_CODE;
char ssid[] = WIFI_SSID;
char pswd[] = WIFI_PASSWD;
6 years ago
// load module
BlinkerButton wIoT("wIoT");
BlinkerButton lightCtlBtn("btn-light");
6 years ago
// declare global var
int swiStatus=0;
6 years ago
/******** Custom Functions *********/
/*** LightCtl Functions ***/
// function for control light :: 0(shutdown),1(open),2(switch)
int light_ctl(int cmd)
6 years ago
if(cmd == 0)
digitalWrite(lightCtl, HIGH);
if(digitalRead(lightCtl) == HIGH) {BLINKER_LOG("Run Funtion light_ctl :: light Shutdown");update_light_btn();return 1;}
else {BLINKER_LOG("ERROR in Funtion light_ctl :: when light Shutdown");return 0;}
if(cmd == 1)
digitalWrite(lightCtl, LOW);
if(digitalRead(lightCtl) == LOW) {BLINKER_LOG("Run Funtion light_ctl :: light Open");update_light_btn();return 1;}
else {BLINKER_LOG("ERROR in Funtion light_ctl :: when light Open");return 0;}
if(cmd == 2)
int lightStatus = digitalRead(lightCtl);
digitalWrite(lightCtl, !lightStatus);
if(digitalRead(lightCtl) != lightStatus) {BLINKER_LOG("Run Funtion light_ctl :: light Switch");update_light_btn();return 1;}
else {BLINKER_LOG("ERROR in Funtion light_ctl :: when light Switch");return 0;}
return 0;
6 years ago
//function for get light info :: ::return 0(shutdown),1(open)
int get_light_status()
6 years ago
if(digitalRead(lightCtl) == HIGH) return 0;
else if (digitalRead(lightCtl == LOW)) return 1;
else return -1;
6 years ago
// function for dealing with light error
int light_err()
6 years ago
// function for update app button state
void update_light_btn()
6 years ago
if(digitalRead(lightCtl) == LOW)
lightCtlBtn.icon("fas fa-lightbulb");
lightCtlBtn.icon("far fa-lightbulb");
6 years ago
/*** Swi Functions ***/
// function for judging swi state :: ::return 0(off),1(on),-1(error)
int get_swi_status()
int swiCount = 0;
int swiEff = 0;
for(swiCount = 0; swiCount < SWI_TRY_TIMES; swiCount++)
digitalWrite(swiOut, HIGH);
if(digitalRead(swiIn) == HIGH) swiEff++;
digitalWrite(swiOut, LOW);
if(digitalRead(swiIn) == LOW) swiEff++;
BLINKER_LOG("Parameter in get_swi_status :: swiEff = ",swiEff);
if(swiEff == SWI_TRY_TIMES) return 1;
else if(swiEff == 0) return 0;
else return swiStatus;
/******** Blinker Attached Function *********/
void lightCtlBtn_callback(const String & state)
BLINKER_LOG("lightCtlBtn :: get button state: ", state);
6 years ago
if (state == BLINKER_CMD_BUTTON_TAP) {
BLINKER_LOG("Button tap!");
if(!light_ctl(2)) light_err();
else if (state == BLINKER_CMD_ON) {
BLINKER_LOG("Toggle on!");
if(!light_ctl(1)) light_err();
else if (state == BLINKER_CMD_OFF) {
BLINKER_LOG("Toggle off!");
if(!light_ctl(0)) light_err();
6 years ago
/******* Heartbeat Function ********/
// Heartbeat for Blinker app
void heartbeat_app()
6 years ago
6 years ago
// Heartbeat for wIoT
void heartbeat(const String & state)
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
/******* Arduino Setup Funstion *******/
void setup()
// Serial ini
6 years ago
// Pins state declare
pinMode(lightCtl, OUTPUT);
pinMode(swiIn, INPUT);
pinMode(swiOut, OUTPUT);
6 years ago
// Pins state ini
digitalWrite(lightCtl, HIGH);
6 years ago
// swi ini
swiStatus = get_swi_status();
// Blinker ini
Blinker.begin(auth, ssid, pswd);
// Blinker attached Functions
6 years ago
// Blinker attached Heartbeat
6 years ago
/******** Arduino Main loop Function********/
void loop() {
// Active Blinker;
6 years ago
if(swiStatus != get_swi_status()) {Blinker.delay(200);if(swiStatus != get_swi_status()){light_ctl(2);swiStatus = get_swi_status();}}