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/* *****************************************************************
this is the code for the sensor part of automatic home solar-powered water heated system.
* *****************************************************************/
//announce connection moudle
#define BLINKER_PRINT Serial
//include function set
#include <Blinker.h>
//declear overall variable::user, password, identify key
char auth[] = "03a477a71ffb";
char ssid[] = "yimian-iot-s";
char pswd[] = "1234567890.";
// load module
BlinkerButton wIoT("wIoT");
//define vairable
volatile double waterFlow;
float i=0;
/***waterFlow functions ***/
void pulse() //measure the quantity of square wave
waterFlow += 1.0 / 450.0;
// Heartbeat for wIoT
void heartbeat(const String & state)
if(waterFlow<10) waterFlow=atof(state.c_str());
digitalWrite(D5, HIGH);
//setup function
void setup()
pinMode(D5, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(D5, LOW);
Blinker.begin(auth, ssid, pswd);
// Blinker attached Functions
waterFlow = 0;
attachInterrupt(0, pulse, RISING); //DIGITAL Pin 2: Interrupt 0
//main loop function
void loop()