wIoT - A distributed IoT operating system basing on NodeJS
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

83 lines
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module.exports = (params) => {
const md5 = require('md5');
const serve = require(__dirname + '/serve.js')();
const log = require(__dirname + '/lib/log.js')();
let waitList = {};
let reg = {};
let f = {
generateId: () => {
return md5(''+new Date().valueOf()+Math.random()).substring(0, 8);
let o = {
push: (id, cmd, body, cb) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
waitList[id] = {};
let sid = f.generateId();
waitList[id][sid] = {};
waitList[id][sid].body = JSON.stringify({
fid: cmd,
sid: sid,
body: body
waitList[id][sid].res = false;
let lstn = ()=>{
if(waitList.hasOwnProperty(id) && waitList[id].hasOwnProperty(sid) && waitList[id][sid].res !== false && waitList[id][sid].res !== null){
let body = waitList[id][sid].res;
delete waitList[id][sid];
if(typeof cb == "function"){
setTimeout(lstn, 50);
serve.add('/', (info, data) => {
// First heartbeat
waitList[data.id] = {};
// cmd response
if(data.hasOwnProperty('sid') && data.sid){
if(waitList.hasOwnProperty(data.id) && waitList[data.id].hasOwnProperty(data.sid)){
waitList[data.id][data.sid].res = data.body;
for(let i in waitList[data.id]){
if(waitList[data.id][i].res === false){
log.info(data.id, 'Type: heartbeat-cmd | res: '+JSON.stringify(data) + ' | payload: '+waitList[data.id][i].body);
waitList[data.id][i].res = null;
return waitList[data.id][i].body;
//heartbeat without cmd
log.info(data.id, 'Type: heartbeat | res: '+JSON.stringify(data));
return ;
return o ;