wIoT - A distributed IoT operating system basing on NodeJS
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

357 lines
13 KiB

module.exports = (yargs) => {
var o = {
check: async (argv) => new Promise(async resolve => {
ban = new ora(`Checking port ${argv.port}...`).start();
let deviceList = await winDevList();
if(deviceList.indexOf(argv.port) == -1){
ban.fail('No NodeMCU device on '+argv.port+'!!');
ban.succeed('Found NodeMCU device on '+argv.port+'!!');
flash: async (argv) => new Promise(async resolve => {
await winFlash(argv.port, __dirname+'/../drivers/nodemcu/bin/full.bin');
upload: async (argv) => new Promise(async resolve => {
let config = require(__dirname + '/modules/getConfig.js')();
if(!config) return;
let nid = o.nidGen();
nid = nidMatch(argv.nid);
if(!nid || !nid.length){
error('No node selected! \nPlease use "'+argv.$0+' ls" to check the nid.');
if(nid.length > 1){
error('Found multiple nodes. Which one do you want?');
nid = nid[0];
error('Invalid WiFi index '+argv.wifiIndex+'!\nSee "'+argv.$0+' wifi ls" to find a wifi index.');
ban = new ora(`Preparing ${nid}...0%`).start();
await reset(argv.port);
ban.info('Preparing '+nid+'...10%');
Object.keys(config.nodes).forEach(nid => {
if(config.nodes[nid].nickname == argv.nickname){
error('Nickname "'+argv.nickname+'"" has already been used by '+nid);
throw null;
config.nodes[nid] = {
nickname: argv.nickname,
msgport: argv.msgport,
wifiIndex: argv.wifiIndex
let raw_config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(config.root + 'config.json', 'utf-8'));
raw_config.nodes = config.nodes;
fs.writeFileSync(config.root + 'config.json', JSON.stringify(raw_config, null, 2), 'utf-8');
let config_path = config.root + '.wiot/cache/config.json';
let config_obj = {
nid: nid,
wifi: config.wifi[config.nodes[nid].wifiIndex],
msg: {
port: config.nodes[nid].msgport
director: {
hostname: argv.directorHost,
port: argv.directorPort,
HeartbeatInterval: argv.heartbeat
fs.writeFileSync(config_path, JSON.stringify(config_obj), 'utf-8');
await upload(argv.port, config_path);
ban.info('Preparing '+nid+'...30%');
if(argv.img) await upload(argv.port, __dirname+'/../drivers/nodemcu/lua/lfs.img');
ban.info('Preparing '+nid+'...60%');
if(argv.lua) await upload(argv.port, __dirname+'/../drivers/nodemcu/lua/init.lua');
ban.info('Preparing '+nid+'...70%');
await reset(argv.port);
ban.info('Preparing '+nid+'...100%');
ban.succeed(nid+' on '+argv.port+' is ready for online!!');
let table = new Table({
head: ['nid', 'nickname', 'msgport', 'wifiIndex']
table.push([nid, config.nodes[nid].nickname, config.nodes[nid].msgport, config.nodes[nid].wifiIndex])
terminal: async (argv) => new Promise(async resolve => {
nidGen: () => require('crypto').createHash('sha256').update(Math.random().toString()).digest('hex').substring(0, 5)
const ora = require('ora');
const fs = require('fs');
const winDevList = require(__dirname + '/modules/winDevList.js');
const winFlash = require(__dirname + '/modules/winFlash.js');
const upload = require(__dirname + '/modules/upload.js');
const terminal = require(__dirname + '/modules/terminal.js');
const reset = require(__dirname + '/modules/reset.js');
const error = require(__dirname + '/modules/error.js');
const Table = require('cli-table');
const nidMatch = require(__dirname + '/modules/nidMatch.js');
yargs = yargs
.command('node', "operate NodeMCU devices connected on this computer. Use \""+yargs.$0+" node -h\" for more information. ", yargs => {
return yargs.
['$0 node search', 'search for all NodeMCUs connected to this computer']
.command('search', "List all available ports", yargs => {
return yargs.
['$0 node search', 'search for all NodeMCUs connected to this computer']
}, async argv => {
ban = new ora(`Collecting port information...`).start();
let deviceList = await winDevList();
ban.succeed('Found ' + deviceList.length + ' NodeMCU devices!!');
.command('init <port>', "flash and prepare a NodeMCU device..", yargs => {
let config = require(__dirname + '/modules/getConfig.js')();
if(!config) return;
return yargs
.option('nickname', {
alias: 'n',
demandOption: true,
type: 'string',
describe: 'nickname for this node'
.option('wifiIndex', {
alias: 'w',
default: 0,
type: 'number',
describe: 'determine which wifi config to use'
.option('msgport', {
alias: 'm',
default: 6789,
type: 'number',
describe: 'udp port on NodeMCU for MSG communication'
.option('heartbeat', {
default: 10000,
type: 'number',
describe: 'heartbeat interval'
.option('directorHost', {
default: require('url').parse(config.director).hostname,
type: 'string',
describe: 'director hostname'
.option('directorPort', {
default: 6789,
type: 'number',
describe: 'director MSG port'
.option('lua', {
alias: 'l',
default: true,
type: 'boolean',
describe: 'update init.lua'
.option('img', {
alias: 'i',
default: true,
type: 'boolean',
describe: 'update lfs.img'
.option('config', {
alias: 'c',
default: true,
type: 'boolean',
describe: 'update config.json'
.option('nid', {
type: 'string',
describe: 'update existed node firmware'
['$0 node init COM3 -n firstnode', 'flash and prepare the NodeMCU device on COM3 and name it as "firstnode"']
}, async argv => {
await o.check(argv);
await o.flash(argv);
await o.upload(argv);
.command('flash <port>', "flash a NodeMCU device.", yargs => {
return yargs.
['$0 node flash COM3', 'flash the NodeMCU device on COM3 port']
}, async argv => {
await o.check(argv);
await o.flash(argv);
.command('prepare <port>', "prepare wIoT system environment on the NodeMCU", yargs => {
let config = require(__dirname + '/modules/getConfig.js')();
if(!config) return;
return yargs
.option('nickname', {
alias: 'n',
demandOption: true,
type: 'string',
describe: 'nickname for this node'
.option('wifiIndex', {
alias: 'w',
default: 0,
type: 'number',
describe: 'determine which wifi config to use'
.option('msgport', {
alias: 'm',
default: 6789,
type: 'number',
describe: 'udp port on NodeMCU for MSG communication'
.option('heartbeat', {
default: 10000,
type: 'number',
describe: 'heartbeat interval'
.option('directorHost', {
default: require('url').parse(config.director).hostname,
type: 'string',
describe: 'director hostname'
.option('directorPort', {
default: 6789,
type: 'number',
describe: 'director MSG port'
.option('lua', {
alias: 'l',
default: true,
type: 'boolean',
describe: 'update init.lua'
.option('img', {
alias: 'i',
default: true,
type: 'boolean',
describe: 'update lfs.img'
.option('config', {
alias: 'c',
default: true,
type: 'boolean',
describe: 'update config.json'
.option('nid', {
type: 'string',
describe: 'update existed node firmware'
['$0 node prepare COM3 -n firstnode', 'prepare the NodeMCU device on COM3 and name it as "firstnode"']
}, async argv => {
await o.check(argv);
await o.upload(argv);
.command('terminal <port>', "open a NodeMCU UART terminal for debug purpose", yargs => {
return yargs.
['$0 node terminal COM3', 'open the UART terminal on COM3 port']
}, async argv => {
await o.check(argv);
await o.terminal(argv);
.command('update <port> [nid]', "update wIoT system environment on the NodeMCU", yargs => {
let config = require(__dirname + '/modules/getConfig.js')();
if(!config) return;
return yargs
.option('wifiIndex', {
alias: 'w',
default: 0,
type: 'number',
describe: 'determine which wifi config to use'
.option('msgport', {
alias: 'm',
default: 6789,
type: 'number',
describe: 'udp port on NodeMCU for MSG communication'
.option('heartbeat', {
default: 10000,
type: 'number',
describe: 'heartbeat interval'
.option('directorHost', {
default: require('url').parse(config.director).hostname,
type: 'string',
describe: 'director hostname'
.option('directorPort', {
default: 6789,
type: 'number',
describe: 'director MSG port'
.option('lua', {
alias: 'l',
default: true,
type: 'boolean',
describe: 'update init.lua'
.option('img', {
alias: 'i',
default: true,
type: 'boolean',
describe: 'update lfs.img'
.option('config', {
alias: 'c',
default: true,
type: 'boolean',
describe: 'update config.json'
['$0 node prepare COM3 -n firstnode', 'prepare the NodeMCU device on COM3 and name it as "firstnode"']
}, async argv => {
if(!argv.nid) argv.config = false;
await o.check(argv);
await o.upload(argv);
}, async argv => {
throw null;
return yargs;