You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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var app = getApp()
8 years ago
function provinces () {
return ["海外", "北京市", "天津市", "河北省", "山西省", "内蒙古自治区", "辽宁省", "吉林省", "黑龙江省", "上海市", "江苏省", "浙江省", "安徽省", "福建省", "江西省", "山东省", "河南省", "湖北省", "湖南省", "广东省", "广西壮族自治区", "海南省", "重庆市", "四川省", "贵州省", "云南省", "西藏自治区", "陕西省", "甘肃省", "青海省", "宁夏回族自治区", "新疆维吾尔自治区", "台湾省", "香港特别行政区", "澳门特别行政区"]
8 years ago
function cities (province, cb) {
return app.request({
url: `${app.globalData.API_URL}/districts/cities`,
data: {province: province},
success: function(res) {
fail: function() {},
complete: function() {}
8 years ago
function counties (province, city, cb) {
return app.request({
url: `${app.globalData.API_URL}/districts/counties`,
data: {province: province, city: city},
success: function(res) {
fail: function() {},
complete: function() {}
8 years ago
function findProvince (name) {
return procinces(function(arrayProvinces){
return arrayProvinces.findIndex(function(ele){
return ele === name
function findCity (p, name) {
return cities(p, function(arrayCity){
return arrayCity.findIndex(function(ele){
return ele === name
function findCounty (p, c, name) {
return counties(p,c, function(arrayCounty) {
return arrayCounty.findIndex(function(ele){
return ele === name
8 years ago
module.exports = {
provinces () {
return provinces()
cities (p, cb) {
return cities(p, cb)
8 years ago
counties (p, c, cb) {
return counties(p, c, cb)
findProvince (name) {
return findProvince(name)
findCity (p, name) {
return findCity(p, name)
findCounty (p, c, name) {
return findCounty(p, c, name)
8 years ago
8 years ago
// # json data use ruby:
8 years ago
// r = {}
// District.provinces.each do |p|
// r[p] = []
// District.cities(p).each do |city|
// r[p] << { city: city, county: District.counties(p, city) }
// end
// end
// r.to_json