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8 years ago
<image class="head-img" src="{{product['image-url']}}" mode="aspectFill" />
8 years ago
<text class="product-name">{{}}</text>
8 years ago
<view class="line">
<view class="section price">
<text id="price">¥{{product.price}}</text>
<view class="section quantity">
<input id="quantity" name="quantity" bindinput="bindQuantityInput" value="1" />
8 years ago
<view class="btn-area">
<button bindtap="bindAddToCart" type="primary">加入购物车</button>
8 years ago
8 years ago
<view class="desc-container">
8 years ago
<block wx:for="{{product.desc}}" wx:for-item="desc" wx:key="id">
<view class="desc-image-view">
<image class="desc-image" src="{{desc[0]}}" style="height: {{desc[1]*1.18}}rpx;" mode="aspectFit"/>
8 years ago