const product = require('../../utils/product.js') var app = getApp() Page({ data: { title: '', items: null, accountType: '', categoryType: null }, onLoad: function(params) { var that = this this.setData({ title: '巴爷供销社 - ' + params.type, categoryType: params.type }) product.getCategories(params.type, function(result) { var data = getApp().store.sync( that.setData({items: data}) wx.setStorage({ key: `cate_${params.type}`, data: data }) }, function(fail) { var key = `cate_${params.type}` var data = wx.getStorage(key) wx.setData({items: data}) }) }, onShow() { if (app.globalData.currentCustomer) { var accountType = app.globalData.currentCustomer.account_type this.setData({accountType: accountType}) } }, onReady() { wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: }) }, bindTapProduct: function(e) { var that = this wx.navigateTo({ url: `../show_product/show_product?id=${}&type=${}` }) } })