var app = getApp() const profile = require('../../utils/profile.js') Page({ data: { needBindMobile: true, mobile: '', userInfo: null, zichan_slides: [], xunZhang: '' + 'icon-medal-0-0c9193833e3a24dead6c39ba969c2e71eea1ba88b8ce88c3b76cd2b08804280d.png', baye_rank: null }, onShow: function() { }, onLoad: function() { var that = this var token = wx.getStorageSync('userToken') if (token) { var data = {token: token} profile.getCustomerInfo(data, that.infoCallback) } app.getUserInfo(function(userInfo){ that.setData({userInfo: userInfo}) }) }, bindGetPassCode: function(e) { this.setData({mobile:}) profile.getPassCode( }, bindSubmitMobile: function(e) { var data = {mobile:, mobile_code: e.detail.value.code, name: app.globalData.userInfo.nickName} profile.getCustomerInfo(data, this.infoCallback) }, infoCallback: function(currentCustomer) { var that = this var baye_rank = currentCustomer.baye_rank that.setData({baye_rank: baye_rank}) profile.getZichanSlides(function(result) { var data = getApp().store.sync( that.setData({'zichan_slides': data}) wx.setStorage({ key:"zichan_slides", data:data }) }) } })