You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1131 lines
42 KiB

gameurl = ' ';
imgUrl = " ";
openid = '';
var reg = new RegExp("[?&]" + 'openid' + "=([^?&]*)[&]?", "i");
var match =;
match == null ? "" : match[1];
if (match) {
openid = match[1];
"undefined" == typeof window.define && (window.define = function() {}, window.define.amd = 1),
"undefined" == typeof window.$AJB && (window.$AJB = {}),
$AJB.lib = {},
$AJB.general = {},
$ = {},
$AJB.lib.stopEvent = function() {
"use strict";
return function(a) {
a && (a.preventDefault ? (a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation()) : (a.returnValue = !1, a.cancelBubble = !0))
$AJB.lib.Storage = function() {
"use strict";
var a = {
setValue: function(a, b) {
window.localStorage && (window.localStorage[a] = b)
getValue: function(a) {
return window.localStorage ? window.localStorage[a] : void 0
return a
$AJB.general.BeginStage = function() {
"use strict";
function a(a) {
function c() {
b(h, "click", function() {, f)
j.innerHTML = d.isAndroid ? "GO" : "▶"
var h = a.getElementsByClassName("button")[0],
i = a.getElementsByClassName("text")[0],
j = document.getElementById("txtAr"),
k = {
show: function() { = ""
hide: function() { = "none"
level: function(a) {
f = a,
i.innerHTML = "level " + a
on: function(a, b) {
e.add(a, b)
off: function(a, b) {
e.remove(a, b)
return c(),
var b = $AJB.lib.addEvent(),
c = $AJB.lib.CustEvent(),
d = $AJB.lib.util(),
e = c(),
f = 0,
g = "start";
return a
$AJB.general.Switcher = function() {
"use strict";
function a(a, b, c) {
var d, e, f = null,
g = !1,
h = {
point: [0, 0],
enabled: !1,
color: "#c8c8c8",
update: function() {
var a = h.point,
c = 30;
h.enabled && (0 === e ? (d = h.color, a[0] < b / 2 ? (a[0] = Math.min(a[0] + c, b / 2), h.point = a) : (h.point = a, g = !0)) : 1 === e && (d = "#000", a[0] > b / 2 ? (a[0] = Math.max(a[0] - c, b / 2), h.point = a) : (h.point = a, g = !0)))
render: function() {
var e = h.point;
h.enabled && (a.fillStyle = d, a.fillRect(e[0] - b / 2, e[1] - c / 2, b, c), g && (h.enabled = !1, f && f()))
switchStage: function(d, i) {
0 === d ? h.point = [-b / 2, c / 2] : 1 === d && (a.fillStyle = h.color, a.fillRect(0, 0, b, c), h.point = [b + b / 2, c / 2]),
h.enabled = !0,
g = !1,
e = d,
f = i
return h
return a
$AJB.lib.addEvent = function() {
var a = $AJB.lib.util(),
b = {
click: "touchstart",
mousedown: "touchstart",
mouseup: "touchend"
return function(c, d, e, f) {
c.addEventListener ? c.addEventListener(a.isMobile ? b[d] || d : d, e, f) : c.attachEvent ? c.attachEvent("on" + d, e) : c["on" + d] = e
$AJB.general.Levels = function() {
"use strict";
function a(a, b) {
return function() {
var c = 0;
return function() {
return c += a * b % 360
function b(a, b) {
return function() {
var c = 0,
d = 1,
e = +new Date;
return function() {
var f = +new Date;
return f - e > b && (d = -d, e = f),
c += d * a % 360
function c(a, b, c, d) {
return function() {
var e = 0,
f = +new Date;
return function() {
var g = +new Date;
return g - f > c && (a = b - a, f = g),
e += a * d % 360
function d(a) {
var b = 1;
return h(document.body, "mousedown", function() {
b = -b
function() {
var c = 0;
return function() {
return c += a * b % 360
function e(a, b, c, d) {
return h(document.body, "mousedown", function() {
d = -d
function() {
var e = 0,
f = +new Date;
return function() {
var g = +new Date;
return g - f > c && (a = b - a, f = g),
e += a * d % 360
function f(a, b, c, d) {
i[a] = {
childs: k[b],
queueCount: c,
round: j[d]
var g, h = $AJB.lib.addEvent(),
i = {},
j = {
A1: a(1.5, 1),
A2: a(1.5, -1),
B1: a(2.5, 1),
B2: a(2.5, -1),
C1: b(2.2, 3e3),
C2: b(3.5, 2e3),
D1: c(2, 2.3, 1200, 1),
D2: c(2, 2.3, 1200, -1),
D3: c(4, 4.5, 1700, 1),
D4: c(4, 4.5, 1700, -1),
D5: c(4, 4.5, 1700, 1),
D6: c(4, 4.5, 1700, -1),
E1: d(2),
E2: e(2, 2.3, 1e3, 1)
k = {
0: [],
2: [0, 180],
3: [0, 120, 240],
4: [0, 90, 180, 270],
5: [0, 72, 144, 216, 288],
6: [0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300],
7: [0, 52, 103, 155, 206, 258, 309],
8: [0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315],
9: [0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 280, 320],
10: [0, 36, 72, 108, 144, 180, 216, 252, 288, 324],
11: [0, 33, 66, 99, 131, 164, 197, 230, 262, 295, 328],
12: [0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330],
13: [0, 28, 56, 84, 111, 139, 167, 194, 222, 250, 277, 305, 333],
14: [0, 26, 52, 78, 103, 129, 155, 180, 206, 232, 258, 283, 309, 335],
15: [0, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144, 168, 192, 216, 240, 264, 288, 312, 336],
16: [0, 23, 45, 68, 90, 113, 135, 158, 180, 203, 225, 248, 270, 293, 315, 338]
l = {
1: ["4", 8, "A1"],
2: ["6", 10, "A1"],
3: ["2", 20, "A1"],
4: ["8", 12, "A2"],
5: ["12", 8, "A1"],
6: ["10", 10, "A2"],
7: ["12", 13, "A1"],
8: ["16", 3, "A2"],
9: ["0", 26, "A2"],
10: ["16", 10, "A1"],
11: ["10", 8, "B1"],
12: ["6", 12, "B2"],
13: ["12", 4, "B1"],
14: ["8", 14, "B2"],
15: ["8", 6, "B1"],
16: ["5", 10, "B2"],
17: ["6", 12, "B1"],
18: ["8", 14, "B2"],
19: ["0", 23, "B1"],
20: ["10", 13, "B2"],
21: ["4", 12, "C1"],
22: ["6", 10, "C1"],
23: ["8", 12, "C1"],
24: ["7", 14, "C1"],
25: ["2", 18, "C1"],
26: ["4", 18, "C1"],
27: ["0", 24, "C1"],
28: ["4", 10, "C2"],
29: ["6", 13, "C2"],
30: ["4", 20, "C1"],
31: ["6", 8, "D1"],
32: ["2", 12, "D2"],
33: ["3", 14, "D2"],
34: ["3", 18, "D1"],
35: ["8", 12, "D1"],
36: ["7", 15, "D2"],
37: ["16", 8, "D2"],
38: ["0", 23, "D1"],
39: ["12", 12, "D1"],
40: ["12", 15, "D2"],
41: ["5", 10, "E1"],
42: ["6", 12, "E1"],
43: ["3", 15, "E1"],
44: ["3", 19, "E1"],
45: ["0", 24, "E1"],
46: ["2", 15, "E2"],
47: ["4", 16, "E2"],
48: ["12", 8, "E2"],
49: ["3", 20, "E2"],
50: ["16", 14, "E2"],
51: ["4", 6, "D3"],
52: ["4", 12, "D4"],
53: ["6", 13, "D3"],
54: ["0", 24, "D4"],
55: ["4", 21, "D3"],
56: ["16", 16, "A1"],
57: ["4", 24, "C1"],
58: ["4", 26, "D1"],
59: ["4", 25, "E2"],
60: ["13", 19, "E2"]
for (g in l) f(g, l[g][0], l[g][1], l[g][2]);
return i
$AJB.general.Collide = function() {
"use strict";
var a = $AJB.lib.util(),
b = {
check: function(b, c, d) {
var e = b.childs(),
f = e.length,
g = Math.ceil(2 * c.rad());
for (d = d || 1; f--;)
if (c !== e[f].ball && a.getPointDistance(c.pos(), e[f].ball.pos()) <= g + Math.ceil(2 * d)) return !0;
return !1
return b
$AJB.general.Tween = function() {
"use strict";
var a = {
simple: function(b, c, d, e) {
var f = (c - b) / e,
g = +new Date;
return e > g - d ? (a.isEnd = !1, b + (g - d) * f) : (a.isEnd = !0, c)
isEnd: !0
return a
$AJB.general.BallQueue = function() {
"use strict";
function a(a, f, g, h, i) {
function j() {
var b, d, e = k(a),
j = e.length;
for (b = 0; j > b; b++) d = c(h, null, e[b], null, i),
d.pos(f, g + 3 * d.rad() * b),
function k(a) {
for (var b = a, c = []; b--;) c.push(b + 1);
return c
var l, m = [],
n = [],
o = b();
return i = i || 1,
l = {
ballList: m,
add: function() {},
remove: function(a) {
var b = m[a];
return m.splice(a, 1),
clear: function() {
n = [],
m = []
popup: function() {
var a = m.shift(); = +new Date, = a.pos().y,
update: function() {
var a, b, c, h = n.length,
i = m.length;
if (h) {
for (b = n[0].rad(), a = g - 3 * b; h--;) n[h].pos(f, d.simple(n[h].sv, a, n[h].st, 50)),
c = n[n.length - 1].pos().y,
n[h].pos().y === a && (, n[h]), n.splice(h, 1));
for (; i--;) m[i].pos(f, c + 3 * b * (i + 1))
render: function() {
for (var a = m.length, b = n.length; a--;) m[a].render();
for (; b--;) n[b].render()
on: function(a, b) {
o.add(a, b)
off: function(a, b) {
o.remove(a, b)
destroy: function() {
for (var a = m.length; a--;) m[a].destroy();
var b = $AJB.lib.CustEvent(),
c = $AJB.general.Ball(),
d = $AJB.general.Tween(),
e = "popup";
return a
$AJB.general.Ball = function() {
"use strict";
function a(a, c, d, e, f) {
function g() {
var c = b.getTextWidth(a, 0, 0, d, e);
b.drawText(a, i - c / 2, j + e / 3, d, e, "black")
var h, i = 0,
j = 0;
return f = f || 1,
c = (c || 12) * f,
e = (e || 15) * f,
h = {
pos: function(a, b) {
return "undefined" != typeof a && (i = a),
"undefined" != typeof b && (j = b), {
x: i,
y: j
scale: function(a) {
return "undefined" != typeof a && (f = a),
rad: function(a) {
return "undefined" != typeof a && (c = a),
render: function(e) {
b.drawCircle(a, i, j, c, "#ffffff"),
"undefined" != typeof d ? g(d) : "undefined" != typeof e && g(e)
destroy: function() {
h = null
var b = $AJB.lib.util();
return a
$AJB.lib.util = function() {
"use strict";
return {
drawCircle: function(a, b, c, d, e) {
a.arc(b, c, d, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1),
a.fillStyle = e || "red",
drawLine: function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
a.strokeStyle = f || "red",
a.lineWidth = g || 1,
a.moveTo(b, c),
a.lineTo(d, e),
drawText: function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
a.font = e + "px Verdana",
a.fillStyle = f || "red",
a.fillText(d, b, c)
getTextWidth: function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
return a.font = e + "px Verdana",
a.fillStyle = f || "red",
getPointDistance: function(a, b) {
return Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.floor(Math.pow(a.x - b.x, 2)) + Math.floor(Math.pow(a.y - b.y, 2))))
isMobile: /(mobile|iphone|ipod|ipad|ios|android|windows phone)/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
isAndroid: /android/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
isWeixin: /MicroMessenger/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
$AJB.general.Core = function() {
"use strict";
function a(a, d, e, f, g) {
function h() {
for (var a, b, c, d, e = l.length; e--;) a = 3 * Math.cos((l[e].angle + j.angle()) * Math.PI / 180) * m * g + n,
b = 3 * Math.sin((l[e].angle + j.angle()) * Math.PI / 180) * m * g + o,
c = a / Math.abs(a),
d = b / Math.abs(b),
l[e].ball.pos(a, b)
var i, j, k = 0,
l = [],
m = 50,
n = a.width / 2,
o = 4 * m * g;
return g = g || 1,
i = c(d, m, e, f, g),
i.pos(n, o),
j = {
pos: i.pos,
scale: i.scale,
rad: i.rad,
angle: function(a) {
return "undefined" != typeof a && (k = a),
addChild: function(a, b) {
angle: a,
ball: b
clear: function() {
l = []
childs: function() {
return l
update: function() {
render: function() {
var c, e = l.length,
f = a.width,
h = a.height;
for (d.clearRect(0, 0, f, h), c = 0; e > c; c++) b.drawLine(d, n, o, l[c].ball.pos().x, l[c].ball.pos().y, "#ffffff", 1.5 * g),
destroy: function() {
i = null,
j = null
var b = $AJB.lib.util(),
c = $AJB.general.Ball();
return a
$AJB.lib.CustEvent = function() {
return function(a) {
function b(a) {
return, -1).toLowerCase()
var c = {};
return !a && (a = {}), {
add: function(a, d) {
if ("function" === b(d)) {
var e = c;
a = a.toLowerCase(), !e[a] && (e[a] = []),
remove: function(a, d) {
var e, f = c[a];
if (a = a.toLowerCase(), "function" === b(d) && f && f.length)
for (e = f.length - 1; e >= 0; e--) f[e] === d && f.splice(e, 1)
fire: function(b) {
var d, e, f, g;
if (b = b.toLowerCase(), d = c[b], d && d.length)
for (e =, 1), g = d.length, f = 0; g > f; f++) d[f].apply(a, e)
destroy: function() {
var a, b = c.length - 1;
for (a = b; a >= 0; a--) evts.splice(a, 1)
$AJB.general.Scene = function() {
"use strict";
function a(a, b, l, m) {
function n(a) {
var g = a.childs,
h = g.length;
for (y = a.round(), w && w.destroy(), w = c(b, l, B, 50, m); h--;) w.addChild(g[h], d(l, null, "", null, m));
x && x.destroy(),
x = e(a.queueCount, b.width / 2, w.pos().y + 4 * w.rad(), l, m),
x.on("popup", function(a) {
w.addChild(90 - w.angle(), a),
f.check(w, a, m) ? (z = a, s()) : !x.ballList.length && r()
function o() {
y && (w.angle(y()), w.update(), x.update())
function p() {
var b, c, d, e, f = w.childs(),
g = f.length,
h = 25;
for ( = u.bgColor; g--;) b = f[g].angle + w.angle(),
c = Math.cos(b * Math.PI / 180) * h,
d = Math.sin(b * Math.PI / 180) * h,
e = f[g].ball.pos(),
f[g].ball.pos(e.x + c, e.y + d)
function q(a) {
var b, c = [25, 15, 20, 15],
d = c.length,
e = 200,
f = e / d;
for (w.update(), b = 1; d >= b; b++) a > f * b && z.rad(c[b - 1] * m)
function r() {
"pass" !== A && ( = "#1CB01A", A = "pass", v = +new Date)
function s() {
"fail" !== l && ( = "#B8111C", A = "fail", v = +new Date)
function t() {
var a = "to be continued...",
c = h.getTextWidth(l, 0, 0, a, 30 * m);
h.drawText(l, (b.width - c) / 2, 200 * m, a, 30 * m, "yellow")
var u, v, w, x, y, z, A = "run",
B = 1;
return u = {
enabled: !1,
run: function(b) {
var c = g[b];
B = b,
c ? (u.enabled = !0, n(c), = "#000", A = "run") : t()
shot: function() {
x && x.ballList.length && x.popup()
update: function() {
var a;
u.enabled && ("run" === A ? o() : "pass" === A ? (p(), +new Date - v > 1e3 && (A = "", : "fail" === A && (a = +new Date - v, q(a), a > 1e3 && (A = "",
render: function() {
u.enabled && (w.render(), x.render())
on: function(a, b) {
k.add(a, b)
off: function(a, b) {
k.remove(a, b)
var b = $AJB.lib.CustEvent(),
c = $AJB.general.Core(),
d = $AJB.general.Ball(),
e = $AJB.general.BallQueue(),
f = $AJB.general.Collide(),
g = $AJB.general.Levels(),
h = $AJB.lib.util(),
i = "passed",
j = "failed",
k = b();
return a
$AJB.general.Game = function() {
"use strict";
function a() {
var a = document.body.scrollWidth || document.documentElement.scrollWidth,
b = document.body.scrollHeight || document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
r.width = a,
r.height = b,
i = l(x, a, b), = i.color, = a + "px", = b + "px",
j = b / 560
function b() {
u.href = B.replace(/#\{level\}/, D)
function c() {
p.isWeixin ? n(u, "mousedown", function() { = ""
}) : p.isMobile && b()
function d(a) {
D = +a,
o.setValue(z, D),
document.title = A.replace(/\#\{level\}/, D),
GlobalLevel = D,
C.level(D), !p.isWeixin && p.isMobile && b()
function e() {
n(document.body, "mousedown", function(a) {
var b;
if (a && a.changedTouches)
for (b = a.changedTouches.length; b--;) h.shot();
else h.shot();
"1" !="data-capture") && q(a)
n(w, "mousedown", function() { = "none"
n(v, "mousedown", function() {
E || (E = !0, = "", d(1), setTimeout(function() { = "none",
E = !1
}, 1e3))
h.on("passed", function() {
i.switchStage(0, function() {
h.enabled = !1,
d(D + 1), = "none",,
// 2. 分享接口
// 2.1 监听“分享给朋友”,按钮点击、自定义分享内容及分享结果接口
title: "Core Ball,我已玩到第" + D + "关了,你也来试试吧!",
desc: "Core Ball,我已玩到第" + D + "关了,你也来试试吧!",
link: gameurl,
imgUrl: imgUrl,
trigger: function(res) {
// 不要尝试在trigger中使用ajax异步请求修改本次分享的内容,因为客户端分享操作是一个同步操作,这时候使用ajax的回包会还没有返回
// alert('用户点击发送给朋友');
success: function(res) {
var UserInfo = new Object();
UserInfo.openid = openid;
UserInfo.shareLevel = D;
// alert('已分享');
ga('send', {
'hitType': 'event', // Required.
'eventCategory': 'wx', // Required.
'eventAction': 'onMenuShareAppMessage_' + openid, // Required.
'eventLabel': JSON.stringify(UserInfo),
'eventValue': 1
cancel: function(res) {
// alert('已取消');
fail: function(res) {
// alert(JSON.stringify(res));
// 2.2 监听“分享到朋友圈”按钮点击、自定义分享内容及分享结果接口
title: "Core Ball,我已玩到第" + D + "关了,你也来试试吧!",
link: gameurl,
imgUrl: imgUrl,
trigger: function(res) {
// 不要尝试在trigger中使用ajax异步请求修改本次分享的内容,因为客户端分享操作是一个同步操作,这时候使用ajax的回包会还没有返回
// alert('用户点击分享到朋友圈');
success: function(res) {
// alert('已分享');
var UserInfo = new Object();
UserInfo.openid = openid;
UserInfo.shareLevel = D;
// alert('已分享');
ga('send', {
'hitType': 'event', // Required.
'eventCategory': 'wx', // Required.
'eventAction': 'onMenuShareTimeline_' + openid, // Required.
'eventLabel': JSON.stringify(UserInfo),
'eventValue': 1
cancel: function(res) {
// alert('已取消');
fail: function(res) {
// alert(JSON.stringify(res));
// 2.3 监听“分享到QQ”按钮点击、自定义分享内容及分享结果接口
title: "Core Ball,我已玩到第" + D + "关了,你也来试试吧!",
desc: "Core Ball,我已玩到第" + D + "关了,你也来试试吧!",
link: gameurl,
imgUrl: imgUrl,
trigger: function(res) {
// alert('用户点击分享到QQ');
complete: function(res) {
// alert(JSON.stringify(res));
success: function(res) {
// alert('已分享');
var UserInfo = new Object();
UserInfo.openid = openid;
UserInfo.shareLevel = D;
// alert('已分享');
ga('send', {
'hitType': 'event', // Required.
'eventCategory': 'wx', // Required.
'eventAction': 'onMenuShareQQ_' + openid, // Required.
'eventLabel': JSON.stringify(UserInfo),
'eventValue': 1
cancel: function(res) {
// alert('已取消');
fail: function(res) {
// alert(JSON.stringify(res));
h.on("failed", function() {
i.switchStage(0, function() {
h.enabled = !1, = "none",
C.on("start", function() { = "",
i.switchStage(1, function() {
// ga('send', {
// 'hitType': 'event', // Required.
// 'eventCategory': 'click', // Required.
// 'eventAction': 'start_' + openid, // Required.
// 'eventLabel': 'other',
// 'eventValue': 1
// })
function f() {
F = window.setTimeout(f, 1e3 / y)
function g() {
h = k(document.body, r, x, j),
var h, i, j, k = $AJB.general.Scene(),
l = $AJB.general.Switcher(),
m = $AJB.general.BeginStage(),
n = $AJB.lib.addEvent(),
o = $AJB.lib.Storage(),
p = $AJB.lib.util(),
q = $AJB.lib.stopEvent(),
r = document.getElementById("stage"),
s = document.getElementById("begin"),
t = document.getElementById("tip"),
u = document.getElementById("btnFW"),
v = document.getElementById("btnReset"),
w = document.getElementById("wxArrow"),
x = r.getContext("2d"),
y = 60,
z = "core-ball-level",
A = "Core Ball,我已玩到第#{level}关了,你也来试试吧!",
B = "sinaweibo://share?content=Core Ball,我已玩到第#{level}关了,你也来试试吧!",
C = m(s),
D = +o.getValue(z) || 1,
E = !1,
F = 0,
G = {
start: g,
shareTitle: A,
shareLevel: D
return G;
$ = function() {
"use strict";
var a = $AJB.general.Game();
// var myShareTitle = a.shareTitle;
// console.log(myShareTitle);
GlobalLevel = $AJB.general.Game().shareLevel;
var ajax = {};
ajax.x = function() {
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {
return new XMLHttpRequest();
var versions = [
var xhr;
for (var i = 0; i < versions.length; i++) {
try {
xhr = new ActiveXObject(versions[i]);
} catch (e) {}
return xhr;
ajax.send = function(url, callback, method, data, sync) {
var x = ajax.x();, url, sync);
x.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (x.readyState == 4) {
if (method == 'POST') {
x.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
ajax.get = function(url, data, callback, sync) {
var query = [];
for (var key in data) {
query.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[key]));
ajax.send(url + '?' + query.join('&'), callback, 'GET', null, sync)
}; = function(url, data, callback, sync) {
var query = [];
for (var key in data) {
query.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[key]));
ajax.send(url, callback, 'POST', query.join('&'), sync)
};'', {
url: window.location.href
}, function(data) {
// console.log(data);
// alert(data);
var jssdk_info_obj = JSON.parse(data);
debug: false,
appId: jssdk_info_obj.appid,
timestamp: jssdk_info_obj.timestamp,
nonceStr: jssdk_info_obj.noncestr,
signature: jssdk_info_obj.signature,
jsApiList: [
wx.ready(function() {
// 2. 分享接口
// 2.1 监听“分享给朋友”,按钮点击、自定义分享内容及分享结果接口
title: "Core Ball,我已玩到第" + GlobalLevel + "关了,你也来试试吧!",
desc: "Core Ball,我已玩到第" + GlobalLevel + "关了,你也来试试吧!",
link: gameurl,
imgUrl: imgUrl,
trigger: function(res) {
// 不要尝试在trigger中使用ajax异步请求修改本次分享的内容,因为客户端分享操作是一个同步操作,这时候使用ajax的回包会还没有返回
// alert('用户点击发送给朋友');
success: function(res) {
var UserInfo = new Object();
UserInfo.openid = openid;
UserInfo.shareLevel = GlobalLevel;
// alert('已分享');
ga('send', {
'hitType': 'event', // Required.
'eventCategory': 'wx', // Required.
'eventAction': 'onMenuShareAppMessage_' + openid, // Required.
'eventLabel': JSON.stringify(UserInfo),
'eventValue': 1
cancel: function(res) {
// alert('已取消');
fail: function(res) {
// alert(JSON.stringify(res));
// 2.2 监听“分享到朋友圈”按钮点击、自定义分享内容及分享结果接口
title: "Core Ball,我已玩到第" + GlobalLevel + "关了,你也来试试吧!",
link: gameurl,
imgUrl: imgUrl,
trigger: function(res) {
// 不要尝试在trigger中使用ajax异步请求修改本次分享的内容,因为客户端分享操作是一个同步操作,这时候使用ajax的回包会还没有返回
// alert('用户点击分享到朋友圈');
success: function(res) {
// alert('已分享');
var UserInfo = new Object();
UserInfo.openid = openid;
UserInfo.shareLevel = GlobalLevel;
// alert('已分享');
ga('send', {
'hitType': 'event', // Required.
'eventCategory': 'wx', // Required.
'eventAction': 'onMenuShareTimeline_' + openid, // Required.
'eventLabel': JSON.stringify(UserInfo),
'eventValue': 1
cancel: function(res) {
// alert('已取消');
fail: function(res) {
// alert(JSON.stringify(res));
// 2.3 监听“分享到QQ”按钮点击、自定义分享内容及分享结果接口
title: "Core Ball,我已玩到第" + GlobalLevel + "关了,你也来试试吧!",
desc: "Core Ball,我已玩到第" + GlobalLevel + "关了,你也来试试吧!",
link: gameurl,
imgUrl: imgUrl,
trigger: function(res) {
// alert('用户点击分享到QQ');
complete: function(res) {
// alert(JSON.stringify(res));
success: function(res) {
// alert('已分享');
var UserInfo = new Object();
UserInfo.openid = openid;
UserInfo.shareLevel = GlobalLevel;
// alert('已分享');
ga('send', {
'hitType': 'event', // Required.
'eventCategory': 'wx', // Required.
'eventAction': 'onMenuShareQQ_' + openid, // Required.
'eventLabel': JSON.stringify(UserInfo),
'eventValue': 1
cancel: function(res) {
// alert('已取消');
fail: function(res) {
// alert(JSON.stringify(res));
// 2.4 监听“分享到微博”按钮点击、自定义分享内容及分享结果接口
title: "Core Ball,我已玩到第" + GlobalLevel + "关了,你也来试试吧!",
desc: "Core Ball,我已玩到第" + GlobalLevel + "关了,你也来试试吧!",
link: gameurl,
imgUrl: imgUrl,
trigger: function(res) {
// alert('用户点击分享到微博');
complete: function(res) {
// alert(JSON.stringify(res));
success: function(res) {
// alert('已分享');
var UserInfo = new Object();
UserInfo.openid = openid;
UserInfo.shareLevel = GlobalLevel;
// alert('已分享');
ga('send', {
'hitType': 'event', // Required.
'eventCategory': 'wx', // Required.
'eventAction': 'onMenuShareWeibo_' + openid, // Required.
'eventLabel': JSON.stringify(UserInfo),
'eventValue': 1
cancel: function(res) {
// alert('已取消');
fail: function(res) {
// alert(JSON.stringify(res));