You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

634 B

Class ovo::index


  • 使用以下代码快速开始
#include <iostream>
#include "ovo.h"

int main()
   ovo::index i;
   i.push_back("22", "qwertyujk"); //插入一组数据,第一个为值,第二个为索引
   i.push_back("22", "23456789");
   i.push_back("33", "32wfr2wef23");
   vector<string> v = i.getIndex("22"); //根据值提前索引
   string s = i.getVal("32wfr2wef23"); //根据索引提值
   i.delByVal("33"); //根据值删除数据
   i.delByIndex("32wfr2wef23"); //根据索引删除数据
   i.size(); //获取大小

   return 0;