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<a name="1.15.1"></a>
## [1.15.1]( (2016-02-19)
### Bug Fixes
* select db on connect event to prevent subscribe errors ([829bf26](, closes [#255](
<a name="1.15.0"></a>
# [1.15.0]( (2016-01-31)
### Bug Fixes
* "MOVED" err not crashing process when slot was not assigned ([6974d4d](
* remove extra typeof in .to cluster helper ([a7b0bfe](
### Features
* revisit of .to(nodeGroup) command ([ba12e47](
# v1.14.0 - January 4, 2016
* Support returning buffers for transactions ([#223](
# v1.13.2 - December 30, 2015
* Add argument transformer for msetnx to support Map ([#218](
# v1.13.1 - December 20, 2015
* Fix `mset` transformer not supporting keyPrefix ([#217](
# v1.13.0 - December 13, 2015
* [Cluster] Select a random node when the target node is closed.
* [Cluster] `maxRedirections` also works for `CLUSTERDOWN`.
# v1.12.2 - December 6, 2015
* [Cluster] Fix failover queue not being processed. [Shahar Mor](
# v1.12.1 - December 5, 2015
* [Cluster] Add queue support for failover and CLUSTERDOWN handling. [Shahar Mor](
* Emits "error" when connection is down for `scanStream` ([#199](
# v1.11.1 - November 26, 2015
* [Sentinel] Emits "error" when all sentinels are unreachable ([#200](
# v1.11.0 - November 19, 2015
* Emits "select" event when the database changed.
* [Cluster] Supports scanStream ([#175](
* Update debug module to 2.2.0
* Update bluebird module to 2.9.34
# v1.10.0 - October 24, 2015
* [Cluster] Support redis schema url.
* [Cluster] Support specifying password for each node.
* Add an option for setting connection name. [cgiovanacci](
* Switch to the previous db before re-subscribing channels.
* Listen to the "secureConnect" event when connect via TLS. [Jeffrey Jen](
* Improve parser performance.
# v1.9.1 - October 2, 2015
* Emits "authError" event when the password is wrong([#164](
* Fixed wrong debug output when using sentinels. [Colm Hally](
* Discard slave if flagged with s_down or o_down. [mtlima](
# v1.9.0 - September 18, 2015
* Support TLS.
* Support reconnecting on the specified error.
# v1.8.0 - September 9, 2015
* Add keepAlive option(defaults to `true`).
* Fix compatible issues of Buffer with Node.js 4.0.
# v1.7.6 - September 1, 2015
* Fix errors when sending command to a failed cluster([#56](
# v1.7.5 - August 16, 2015
* Fix for allNodes array containing nodes not serving the specified slot. [henstock](
# v1.7.4 - August 13, 2015
* Restore the previous state before resending the unfulfilled commands. [Jay Merrifield](
* Fix empty pipeline not resolving as empty array. [Philip Kannegaard Hayes](
# v1.7.3 - August 3, 2015
* Handle watch-exec rollback correctly([#199]( [Andrew Newdigate](
# v1.7.2 - July 30, 2015
* Fix not running callback in pipeline custom command([#117]( [Philip Kannegaard Hayes](
* Fixes status debug message in case of Unix socket path([#114]( [Thalis Kalfigkopoulos](
# v1.7.1 - July 26, 2015
* Re-subscribe previous channels after reconnection([#110](
# v1.7.0 - July 23, 2015
* Support transparent key prefixing([#105]( [Danny Guo](
# v1.6.1 - July 12, 2015
* Fix `Redis.Command` not being exported correctly([#100](
# v1.6.0 - July 11, 2015
* Add a streaming interface to `SCAN` commands.
* Support GEO commands.
# v1.5.12 - July 7, 2015
* Fix the order of received commands([#91](
# v1.5.11 - July 7, 2015
* Allow omitting callback in `exec`.
# v1.5.10 - July 6, 2015
* Add `send_command` method for compatibility([#90](
# v1.5.9 - July 4, 2015
* Fix connection error emitting before listening to `error` event([#80](
# v1.5.8 - July 3, 2015
* Fix `pmessage` gets `undefined` in cluster mode([#88]( [Kris Linquist](
# v1.5.7 - July 1, 2015
* Fix subscriptions lost after reconnection([#85](
# v1.5.6 - June 28, 2015
* Silent error when redis server has cluster support disabled([#82](
# v1.5.5 - June 25, 2015
* Fix storing wrong redis host internally.
# v1.5.4 - June 25, 2015
* Fix masterNodes not being removed correctly.
# v1.5.3 - June 24, 2015
* Fix sometimes monitor leads command queue error.
# v1.5.2 - June 24, 2015
* Fix `enableReadyCheck` is always `false` in monitor mode([#77](
# v1.5.1 - June 16, 2015
* Fix getting NaN db index([#74](
# v1.5.0 - June 13, 2015
* Uses double ended queue instead of Array for better performance.
* Resolves a bug with cluster where a subscribe is sent to a disconnected node([#63]( [Ari Aosved](
* Adds ReadOnly mode for Cluster mode([#69]( [Nakul Ganesh](
* Adds `Redis.print`([#71]( [Frank Murphy](
# v1.4.0 - June 3, 2015
* Continue monitoring after reconnection([#52](
* Support pub/sub in Cluster mode([#54](
* Auto-reconnect when none of startup nodes is ready([#56](
# v1.3.6 - May 22, 2015
* Support Node.js 0.10.16
* Fix unfulfilled commands being sent to the wrong db([#42](
# v1.3.5 - May 21, 2015
* Fix possible memory leak warning of Cluster.
* Stop reconnecting when disconnected manually.
# v1.3.4 - May 21, 2015
* Add missing Promise definition in node 0.10.x.
# v1.3.3 - May 19, 2015
* Fix possible memory leak warning.
# v1.3.2 - May 18, 2015
* The constructor of `pipeline`/`multi` accepts a batch of commands.
# v1.3.1 - May 16, 2015
* Improve the performance of sending commands([#35]( [@AVVS](
# v1.3.0 - May 15, 2015
* Support pipeline redirection in Cluster mode.
# v1.2.7 - May 15, 2015
* `Redis#connect` returns a promise.
# v1.2.6 - May 13, 2015
* Fix showFriendlyErrorStack not working in pipeline.
# v1.2.5 - May 12, 2015
* Fix errors when sending commands after connection being closed.
# v1.2.4 - May 9, 2015
* Try a random node when the target slot isn't served by the cluster.
* Remove `refreshAfterFails` option.
* Try random node when refresh slots.
# v1.2.3 - May 9, 2015
* Fix errors when `numberOfKeys` is `0`.
# v1.2.2 - May 8, 2015
* Add `retryDelayOnClusterDown` option to handle CLUSTERDOWN error.
* Fix `multi` commands sometimes doesn't return a promise.
# v1.2.1 - May 7, 2015
* Fix `sendCommand` sometimes doesn't return a promise.
# v1.2.0 - May 4, 2015
* Add `autoResendUnfulfilledCommands` option.
# v1.1.4 - May 3, 2015
* Support get built-in commands.
# v1.1.3 - May 2, 2015
* Fix buffer supporting in pipeline. [@AVVS](
# v1.1.2 - May 2, 2015
* Fix error of sending command to wrong node when slot is 0.
# v1.1.1 - May 2, 2015
* Support Transaction and pipelining in cluster mode.
# v1.1.0 - May 1, 2015
* Support cluster auto reconnection.
* Add `maxRedirections` option to Cluster.
* Remove `roleRetryDelay` option in favor of `sentinelRetryStrategy`.
* Improve compatibility with node_redis.
* More stable sentinel connection.
# v1.0.13 - April 27, 2015
# v1.0.12 - April 27, 2015
* Support for defining custom commands in Cluster.
* Use native array instead of fastqueue for better performance.
# v1.0.11 - April 26, 2015
* Add `showFriendlyErrorStack` option for outputing friendly error stack.
# v1.0.10 - April 25, 2015
* Improve performance for calculating slots.
# v1.0.9 - April 25, 2015
* Support single node commands in cluster mode.
# v1.0.8 - April 25, 2015
* Add promise supports in Cluster.
# v1.0.7 - April 25, 2015
* Add `autoResubscribe` option to prevent auto re-subscribe.
* Add `Redis#end` for compatibility.
* Add `Redis.createClient`(was `Redis#createClient`).
# v1.0.6 - April 24, 2015
* Support setting connect timeout.