You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

320 lines
9.1 KiB

mqtt-connection   [![Build Status](](
Barebone Connection object for MQTT.
Works over any kind of binary Streams, TCP, TLS, WebSocket, ...
It uses [mqtt-packet]( for generating and
parsing MQTT packets. See it for the full documentations on the
packet types.
* <a href="#install">Install</a>
* <a href="#usage">Usage</a>
* <a href="#api">API</a>
* <a href="#contributing">Contributing</a>
* <a href="#license">Licence &amp; copyright</a>
This library works with node v0.10 and node v0.8, but it requires at
least NPM 1.4. To upgrade on node v0.8, run `npm install
npm@v1.4-latest -g`.
npm install mqtt-connection --save
As a client:
var net = require('net')
, mqttCon = require('mqtt-connection')
, stream = net.createConnection(1883, 'localhost')
, conn = mqttCon(stream);
// conn is your MQTT connection!
As a server:
var net = require('net')
, mqttCon = require('mqtt-connection')
, server = new net.Server();
server.on('connection', function(stream) {
var conn = mqttCon(stream);
// conn is your MQTT connection!
As a websocket server:
var websocket = require('websocket-stream')
, WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server
, Connection = require('mqtt-connection')
, server = http.createServer()
function attachWebsocketServer(server, handler) {
var wss = new WebSocketServer({server: server})
if (handler)
server.on('client', handler)
wss.on('connection', function(ws) {
var stream = websocket(ws)
var connection = new Connection(stream)
server.emit("client", connection)
return server
* <a href="#connection"><code>mqtt.<b>Connection()</b></code></a>
* <a href="#parseStream"><code>mqtt.<b>parseStream()</b></code></a>
* <a href="#generateStream"><code>mqtt.<b>parseStream()</b></code></a>
<a name="connection"></a>
### new mqtt.Connection([options])
Creates a new MQTT `Connection`.
* `notData`: do not listen to the `'data'` event, so that it can
respect backpressure. Pipe the `Connection` to another stream to
consume the packets. If this option is passed `true` the object will
emit no packet-related events.
#### Connection#connect(options, [callback])
Send an MQTT connect packet.
`options` supports the following properties:
* `protocolId`: Protocol ID, usually `MQIsdp`. `string`
* `protocolVersion`: Protocol version, usually 3. `number`
* `keepalive`: keepalive period in seconds. `number`
* `clientId`: client ID. `string`
* `will`: the client's will message options.
`object` that supports the following properties:
* `topic`: the will topic. `string`
* `payload`: the will payload. `string`
* `qos`: will qos level. `number`
* `retain`: will retain flag. `boolean`
* `clean`: the 'clean start' flag. `boolean`
* `username`: username for protocol v3.1. `string`
* `password`: password for protocol v3.1. `string`
#### Connection#connack(options, [callback])
Send an MQTT connack packet.
`options` supports the following properties:
* `returnCode`: the return code of the connack, success is
indicated by `0`. `number`
#### Connection#publish(options, [callback])
Send an MQTT publish packet.
`options` supports the following properties:
* `topic`: the topic to publish to. `string`
* `payload`: the payload to publish, defaults to an empty buffer.
`string` or `buffer`
* `qos`: the quality of service level to publish on. `number`
* `messageId`: the message ID of the packet,
required if qos > 0. `number`
* `retain`: retain flag. `boolean`
#### Connection#puback #pubrec #pubcomp #unsuback(options, [callback])
Send an MQTT `[puback, pubrec, pubcomp, unsuback]` packet.
`options` supports the following properties:
* `messageId`: the ID of the packet
#### Connection#pubrel(options, [callback])
Send an MQTT pubrel packet.
`options` supports the following properties:
* `dup`: duplicate message flag
* `messageId`: the ID of the packet
#### Connection#subscribe(options, [callback])
Send an MQTT subscribe packet.
`options` supports the following properties:
* `dup`: duplicate message flag
* `messageId`: the ID of the packet
* `subscriptions`: a list of subscriptions of the form
`[{topic: a, qos: 0}, {topic: b, qos: 1}]`
#### Connection#suback(options, [callback])
Send an MQTT suback packet.
`options` supports the following properties:
* `granted`: a vector of granted QoS levels,
of the form `[0, 1, 2]`
* `messageId`: the ID of the packet
#### Connection#unsubscribe(options, [callback])
Send an MQTT unsubscribe packet.
`options` supports the following properties:
* `messageId`: the ID of the packet
* `dup`: duplicate message flag
* `unsubscriptions`: a list of topics to unsubscribe from,
of the form `["topic1", "topic2"]`
#### Connection#pingreq #pingresp #disconnect(options, [callback])
Send an MQTT `[pingreq, pingresp, disconnect]` packet.
#### Event: 'connect'
`function(packet) {}`
Emitted when an MQTT connect packet is received by the client.
`packet` is an object that may have the following properties:
* `version`: the protocol version string
* `versionNum`: the protocol version number
* `keepalive`: the client's keepalive period
* `clientId`: the client's ID
* `will`: an object with the following keys:
* `topic`: the client's will topic
* `payload`: the will message
* `retain`: will retain flag
* `qos`: will qos level
* `clean`: clean start flag
* `username`: v3.1 username
* `password`: v3.1 password
#### Event: 'connack'
`function(packet) {}`
Emitted when an MQTT connack packet is received by the client.
`packet` is an object that may have the following properties:
* `returnCode`: the return code of the connack packet
#### Event: 'publish'
`function(packet) {}`
Emitted when an MQTT publish packet is received by the client.
`packet` is an object that may have the following properties:
* `topic`: the topic the message is published on
* `payload`: the payload of the message
* `messageId`: the ID of the packet
* `qos`: the QoS level to publish at
#### Events: \<'puback', 'pubrec', 'pubrel', 'pubcomp', 'unsuback'\>
`function(packet) {}`
Emitted when an MQTT `[puback, pubrec, pubrel, pubcomp, unsuback]`
packet is received by the client.
`packet` is an object that may contain the property:
* `messageId`: the ID of the packet
#### Event: 'subscribe'
`function(packet) {}`
Emitted when an MQTT subscribe packet is received.
`packet` is an object that may contain the properties:
* `messageId`: the ID of the packet
* `subscriptions`: an array of objects
representing the subscribed topics, containing the following keys
* `topic`: the topic subscribed to
* `qos`: the qos level of the subscription
#### Event: 'suback'
`function(packet) {}`
Emitted when an MQTT suback packet is received.
`packet` is an object that may contain the properties:
* `messageId`: the ID of the packet
* `granted`: a vector of granted QoS levels
#### Event: 'unsubscribe'
`function(packet) {}`
Emitted when an MQTT unsubscribe packet is received.
`packet` is an object that may contain the properties:
* `messageId`: the ID of the packet
* `unsubscriptions`: a list of topics the client is
unsubscribing from, of the form `[topic1, topic2, ...]`
#### Events: \<'pingreq', 'pingresp', 'disconnect'\>
Emitted when an MQTT `[pingreq, pingresp, disconnect]` packet is received.
`packet` only includes static header information and can be ignored.
<a name="generateStream">
### mqtt.generateStream()
Returns a `Transform` stream that calls [`generate()`](
The stream is configured into object mode.
<a name="parseStream">
### mqtt.parseStream(opts)
Returns a `Transform` stream that embeds a [`Parser`]( and calls [`Parser.parse()`]( for each new `Buffer`. The stream is configured into object mode. It accepts the same options of [`parser(opts)`](#parser).
<a name="contributing"></a>
mqtt-connection is an **OPEN Open Source Project**. This means that:
> Individuals making significant and valuable contributions are given commit-access to the project to contribute as they see fit. This project is more like an open wiki than a standard guarded open source project.
See the []( file for more details.
### Contributors
mqtt-packet is only possible due to the excellent work of the following contributors:
<tr><th align="left">Matteo Collina</th><td><a href="">GitHub/mcollina</a></td><td><a href="">Twitter/@matteocollina</a></td></tr>
<tr><th align="left">Adam Rudd</th><td><a href="">GitHub/adamvr</a></td><td><a href="">Twitter/@adam_vr</a></td></tr>