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msgpack5  [![Build Status](](
A msgpack v5 implementation for node.js and the browser, with extension point support.
npm install msgpack5 --save
var msgpack = require('msgpack5')() // namespace our extensions
, a = new MyType(2, 'a')
, encode = msgpack.encode
, decode = msgpack.decode
msgpack.register(0x42, MyType, mytipeEncode, mytipeDecode)
console.log(encode({ 'hello': 'world' }).toString('hex'))
// 81a568656c6c6fa5776f726c64
console.log(decode(encode({ 'hello': 'world' })))
// { hello: 'world' }
// d5426161
console.log(decode(encode(a)) instanceof MyType)
// true
// { value: 'a', size: 2 }
function MyType(size, value) {
this.value = value
this.size = size
function mytipeEncode(obj) {
var buf = new Buffer(obj.size)
return buf
function mytipeDecode(data) {
var result = new MyType(data.length, data.toString('utf8', 0, 1))
, i
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data.readUInt8(0) != data.readUInt8(i)) {
throw new Error('should all be the same')
return result
In the Browser
This library is compatible with [Browserify](
If you want to use standalone, grab the file in the `dist` folder of
this repo, and use in your own HTML page, the module will expose a
`msgpack5` global.
<script type="text/javascript"
### To build
npm run build
<a name="api"></a>
## API
* <a href="#msgpack"><code><b>msgpack()</b></code></a>
* <a href="#encode"><code>msgpack().<b>encode()</b></code></a>
* <a href="#decode"><code>msgpack().<b>decode()</b></code></a>
* <a href="#registerEncoder"><code>msgpack().<b>registerEncoder()</b></code></a>
* <a href="#registerDecoder"><code>msgpack().<b>registerDecoder()</b></code></a>
* <a href="#register"><code>msgpack().<b>register()</b></code></a>
* <a href="#encoder"><code>msgpack().<b>encoder()</b></code></a>
* <a href="#decoder"><code>msgpack().<b>decoder()</b></code></a>
<a name="msgpack"></a>
### msgpack(options(obj))
Creates a new instance on which you can register new types for being
- `forceFloat64`, a boolean to that forces all floats to be encoded as 64-bits floats. Defaults to false.
- `compatibilityMode`, a boolean that enables "compatibility mode" which doesn't use str 8 format. Defaults to false.
<a name="encode"></a>
### encode(object)
Encodes `object` in msgpack, returns a [bl](
<a name="decode"></a>
### decode(buf)
Decodes buf from in msgpack. `buf` can be a `Buffer` or a [bl]( instance.
In order to support a stream interface, a user must pass in a [bl]( instance.
<a name="registerEncoder"></a>
### registerEncoder(check(obj), encode(obj))
Register a new custom object type for being automatically encoded.
The arguments are:
- `check`, a function that will be called to check if the passed
object should be encoded with the `encode` function
- `encode`, a function that will be called to encode an object in binary
form; this function __must__ return a `Buffer` which include the same type
for [registerDecoder](#registerDecoder).
<a name="registerDecoder"></a>
### registerDecoder(type, decode(buf))
Register a new custom object type for being automatically decoded.
The arguments are:
- `type`, is a greater than zero integer identificating the type once serialized
- `decode`, a function that will be called to decode the object from
the passed `Buffer`
<a name="register"></a>
### register(type, constructor, encode(obj), decode(buf))
Register a new custom object type for being automatically encoded and
decoded. The arguments are:
- `type`, is a greater than zero integer identificating the type once serialized
- `constructor`, the function that will be used to match the objects
with `instanceof`
- `encode`, a function that will be called to encode an object in binary
form; this function __must__ return a `Buffer` that can be
deserialized by the `decode` function
- `decode`, a function that will be called to decode the object from
the passed `Buffer`
This is just a commodity that calls
[`registerEncoder`](#registerEncoder) and
[`registerDecoder`](#registerDecoder) internally.
<a name="encoder"></a>
### encoder()
Builds a stream in object mode that encodes msgpack.
<a name="decoder"></a>
### decoder()
Builds a stream in object mode that decodes msgpack.
LevelUp Support
__msgpack5__ can be used as a LevelUp
[`valueEncoding`]( straight away:
var level = require('level')
, pack = msgpack()
, db = level('foo', {
valueEncoding: pack
, obj = { my: 'obj' }
db.put('hello', obj, function(err) {
db.get('hello', function(err, result) {
Related projects
- [msgpack5rpc]( An implementation of the
[msgpack-rpc spec](
on top of this library.
This library is built fully on JS and on [bl]( to
simplify the code. Every improvement that keeps the same API is welcome.
This project was kindly sponsored by [nearForm](
This library was originally built as the data format for