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# easyVer
yahoo! It can be unbelievably easy to fight with robots by including this Plugin~
## What is easyVer?
easyVer is a friendly plugin which can help you expel robots which are trying to steal user infomation from your website.</br>
With the help of easyVer you can easily identify whether it is a robot who is visiting your website.</br>
Basing on easyVer, it becomes quick and convenient for users to finish their login process which can make your site more friendly.
## Quick start
[Click here to see how it works!](
## How to use easyVer?
- To use easyVer, you must include the jquery.min.js and easyVer.min.js first.</br>
- To keep the image displayed in shape, you also need to include the easyVer.min.css before using it in your HTML.</br>
- To display a verification window, you only need to cite easyVer() in your js code.</br>
- Please store the function name which you want to run after the verification in the global variable callBackFunctionName before citing easyVer().</br>
- In your HTML body, you need to include a div which class is verBox.</br>
A simple example:
<!--include easyVer css file-->
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">
<!--Put this div in your HTML body-->
<div class="verBox"></div>
<!--include jquery and easyVer js file::the js MUST be put AFTER the div-->
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!--demo script for using easyVer-->
<script type="text/javascript">
//This is to indicate what js need to do after a user verification-->
//Cite to setup verification window::This should after the callback function assignment
//use this function to show a easyVer window
//demo callback function
function your_callBack_function()
alert('Verification finished!');
## Advanced Setting
- You can learn about the advanced setting in the following demo
//This function can directly set a new easyVar
el:'$("#imgVer")',//This should
width:'260',//difine the width and height of the easyVer window
success:function () {//If verification success, run the following code
$(".login").css({//move the login class back
$(".verBox").css({//hide the easyVer window
error:function () {//When error
//when submit class being click
$(".submit").on('click',function () { //This is demo that listen click event of submit class
$(".login").css({ //hide the login window
"left":"-404px",//If you have a .login class in your body, this can help you display more friendly effect
$(".verBox").css({ //This indicate to display easyVer window