xaoxuu 4 years ago
parent c5e89d9b7d
commit 76f857555e
  1. 170
  2. 7
  3. 7
  4. 7
  5. 7
  6. 0
  7. 30
  8. 174
  9. 64
  10. 2
  11. 8
  12. 4
  13. 4
  14. 8
  15. 4
  16. 6
  17. 6
  18. 4
  19. 14
  20. 6
  21. 4
  22. 15
  23. 4
  24. 7

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ info:
docs: https://xaoxuu.com/wiki/material-x/ docs: https://xaoxuu.com/wiki/material-x/
cdn: # 要使用CDN,请在根目录的config文件中写上 use_cdn: true cdn: # 要使用CDN,请在根目录的config文件中写上 use_cdn: true
css: css:
style: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-material-x@20.2.11/css/style.css # style: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-material-x@20.2.11/css/style.css
js: js:
app: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-material-x@20.2/js/app.js app: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-material-x@20.2/js/app.js
search: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-material-x@20.2/js/search.js search: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/cdn-material-x@20.2/js/search.js
@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ style: pure # pure: 导航栏和标题栏背景是白色
############################### 服务开关 ############################### ############################### 服务开关 ###############################
commentTyping: false # 文本框打字机特效
scrollreveal: true # 页面滚动显示动画 scrollreveal: true # 页面滚动显示动画
nodewaves: true # 按钮点击效果 nodewaves: true # 按钮点击效果
busuanzi: true # 访问量统计 busuanzi: true # 访问量统计
# fastclick: true # fastclick: true
# commentTyping: true # 文本框打字机特效
# wordcount: true # 文章字数统计、阅读时长,开启需要安装插件: npm i --save hexo-wordcount
############################### 默认值 ############################### ############################### 默认值 ###############################
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ music:
mode: circulation # random (随机) single (单曲) circulation (列表循环) order (列表) mode: circulation # random (随机) single (单曲) circulation (列表循环) order (列表)
server: netease # netease(网易云音乐)tencent(QQ音乐) xiami(虾米) kugou(酷狗) server: netease # netease(网易云音乐)tencent(QQ音乐) xiami(虾米) kugou(酷狗)
type: playlist # song (单曲) album (专辑) playlist (歌单) search (搜索) type: playlist # song (单曲) album (专辑) playlist (歌单) search (搜索)
id: 2615636388 # 歌曲/专辑/歌单 ID id: 3175833810 # 歌曲/专辑/歌单 ID
volume: 0.7 # 音量, 0~1 volume: 0.7 # 音量, 0~1
autoplay: false # 自动播放 autoplay: false # 自动播放
@ -45,14 +45,12 @@ avatar_placeholder: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/assets@master/avatar/avat
date_format: 'YYYY-MM-DD' # 文章发布日期的格式 date_format: 'YYYY-MM-DD' # 文章发布日期的格式
updated_date_format: 'll' # 文章更新日期的格式 updated_date_format: 'll' # 文章更新日期的格式
# 文章字数统计、阅读时长,默认关闭,开启需要安装插件: npm i --save hexo-wordcount
word_count: false
# 幻灯片 # 幻灯片
backstretch: backstretch:
position: full # cover: 封面背景 full: 整个网页背景 position: background # cover: 封面背景 background: 整个网页背景
duration: 6000 # 持续时间(毫秒) duration: 6000 # 持续时间(毫秒)
fade: 2500 # 渐变(毫秒) fade: 2500 # 渐变(毫秒)
images: images:
- https://i.loli.net/2020/02/08/HNuVoted2mUxILl.jpg - https://i.loli.net/2020/02/08/HNuVoted2mUxILl.jpg
- https://i.loli.net/2020/02/08/dNJyR4LHtarTqPu.jpg - https://i.loli.net/2020/02/08/dNJyR4LHtarTqPu.jpg
@ -64,7 +62,7 @@ backstretch:
############################### 自定义 ############################### ############################### 自定义 ###############################
# page的封面 # page的封面
cover: cover:
scheme: search # 后期将会提供多种封面方案 scheme: search # 后期将会提供多种封面布局方案
height: half # full(默认值): 首页封面占据整个第一屏幕,其他页面占半个屏幕高度, half: 所有页面都封面都只占半个屏幕高度 height: half # full(默认值): 首页封面占据整个第一屏幕,其他页面占半个屏幕高度, half: 所有页面都封面都只占半个屏幕高度
title: Demo title: Demo
# logo: assets/logo.png # logo和title只显示一个,若同时设置,则只显示logo # logo: assets/logo.png # logo和title只显示一个,若同时设置,则只显示logo
@ -92,18 +90,22 @@ menu_desktop:
- name: 示例 - name: 示例
icon: fas fa-grin icon: fas fa-grin
url: / url: /
target: _self
- name: 分类 - name: 分类
icon: fas fa-folder-open icon: fas fa-folder-open
url: blog/categories/ url: blog/categories/
rel: nofollow rel: nofollow
target: _self
- name: 标签 - name: 标签
icon: fas fa-hashtag icon: fas fa-hashtag
url: blog/tags/ url: blog/tags/
rel: nofollow rel: nofollow
target: _self
- name: 归档 - name: 归档
icon: fas fa-archive icon: fas fa-archive
url: blog/archives/ url: blog/archives/
rel: nofollow rel: nofollow
target: _self
# 手机端导航菜单(从右上角的按钮点击展开) # 手机端导航菜单(从右上角的按钮点击展开)
menu_mobile: menu_mobile:
@ -130,39 +132,104 @@ menu_mobile:
url: about/ url: about/
rel: nofollow rel: nofollow
# 布局
layout: layout:
# 文章列表(主页、自定义的列表)布局 # 文章列表(主页、自定义的列表)布局
posts: posts:
# 列表中每一篇文章的meta信息 # 列表中每一篇文章的meta信息
meta: [title, author, date, categories, wordcount, top] meta: [title, author, date, category, wordcount, top]
# 列表类页面的侧边栏 # 列表类页面的侧边栏
sidebar: [author, plain, list, grid, category, tagcloud, music] sidebar: [blogger, dao_hang, huan_ying, category, tagcloud, music, tui_jian]
# 文章页面布局 # 文章页面布局
article: article:
# 文章页面主体元素,你也可以在页面的Front-matter中设置 # 文章页面主体元素,你也可以在页面的Front-matter中设置
body: [article, comments] body: [article, comments ]
# 默认的meta信息,文章中没有配置则按照这里的配置来显示,设置为false则不显示 # 默认的meta信息,文章中没有配置则按照这里的配置来显示,设置为false则不显示
# 其中,title只在header中有效,music和thumbnail无需在这里设置,文章中有则显示 # 其中,title只在header中有效,music和thumbnail无需在这里设置,文章中有则显示
# 如果tags放置在meta.header中,那么在post列表中不显示(因为卡片下方已经有了) # 如果tags放置在meta.header中,那么在post列表中不显示(因为卡片下方已经有了)
header: [title, author, date, categories, counter, wordcount, top] header: [title, author, date, category, counter, wordcount, top]
footer: [updated, tags, share] footer: [updated, tags, share]
# 文章页面的侧边栏 # 文章页面的侧边栏
sidebar: [author, plain, toc, grid, category, tagcloud, list, related_posts] sidebar: [blogger, toc, category, tagcloud]
# 其他的页面布局暂时等于文章列表 # 其他的页面布局暂时等于文章列表
# 组件库配置
# 侧边栏小部件配置 widget:
sidebar: # ---------------------------------------
- widget: author # 博主信息小部件配置
- id: blogger
class: blogger
avatar: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/assets@master/avatar/avatar.png avatar: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/assets@master/avatar/avatar.png
jinrishici: true # title: 标题
# subtitle: 副标题
jinrishici: true # 今日诗词。可以设置字符串,加载失败时会显示占位字符串。
social: true social: true
- widget: plain # ---------------------------------------
# 目录小部件配置(仅在文章中有效)
- id: toc
class: toc
icon: fas fa-list
title: 本文目录
list_number: false # 是否显示章节
max_depth: 5 # 由于宽度有限,主题没有针对所有层级进行布局优化,建议文章最多分为:H2/H3/H4/H5四个层级
# ---------------------------------------
# 文章分类小部件配置
- id: category
class: category
icon: fas fa-folder-open
title: 文章分类
more: # 右上角的按钮
icon: fas fa-expand-arrows-alt
url: blog/categories/
rel: external nofollow noopener noreferrer
target: _self
# ---------------------------------------
# 标签云小部件配置
- id: tagcloud
class: tagcloud
icon: fas fa-tags
title: 热门标签
more: # 右上角的按钮
icon: fas fa-expand-arrows-alt
url: blog/tags/
rel: external nofollow noopener noreferrer
target: _self
min_font: 14
max_font: 24
color: true
start_color: '#999'
end_color: '#555'
order: -1
# ---------------------------------------
# 相关文章小部件配置
- id: related_posts
class: related_posts # 需要安装插件 npm i -S hexo-related-popular-posts
icon: fas fa-bookmark
title: 相关文章
# ---------------------------------------
# 音乐小部件配置
- id: music
class: music
icon: fas fa-compact-disc
title: "最近在听"
more: # 右上角的按钮
icon: far fa-heart
url: https://music.163.com/#/user/home?id=63035382
rel: external nofollow noopener noreferrer
target: _blank
server: netease # netease(网易云音乐)tencent(QQ音乐) xiami(虾米) kugou(酷狗)
type: playlist # song (单曲) album (专辑) playlist (歌单) search (搜索)
mid: 3175833810 # 歌曲/专辑/歌单 ID
# ---------------------------------------
# 自定义组件,仿照如下写法
- id: huan_ying # 唯一标识,自己命名,建议全英文
class: text # 小部件类型,对应_widget文件夹中的文件名
icon: fas fa-file icon: fas fa-file
title: 文本部件 title: 文本部件
body: '这是一段支持markdown的文本<br>![](https://img.vim-cn.com/4e/3c87a2fd28fd0b9c2f27ce3f83f1e9275d0488.png)' body: '这是一段支持markdown的文本<br>![](https://img.vim-cn.com/4e/3c87a2fd28fd0b9c2f27ce3f83f1e9275d0488.png)'
- widget: toc - id: dao_hang
- widget: grid class: grid
icon: fas fa-map-signs icon: fas fa-map-signs
title: 站内导航 title: 站内导航
rows: rows:
@ -172,63 +239,55 @@ sidebar:
- name: 文章归档 - name: 文章归档
icon: fas fa-archive icon: fas fa-archive
url: blog/archives/ url: blog/archives/
rel: nofollow rel: external nofollow noopener noreferrer
target: _self
- name: 开源项目 - name: 开源项目
icon: fas fa-code-branch icon: fas fa-code-branch
url: projects/ url: projects/
- name: 我的友链 - name: 我的友链
icon: fas fa-link icon: fas fa-link
url: friends/ url: friends/
rel: nofollow rel: external nofollow noopener noreferrer
target: _self
- name: 主题文档 - name: 主题文档
icon: fas fa-book icon: fas fa-book
url: https://xaoxuu.com/wiki/material-x/ url: https://xaoxuu.com/wiki/material-x/
rel: nofollow rel: external nofollow noopener noreferrer
target: _blank
- name: 关于小站 - name: 关于小站
icon: fas fa-info-circle icon: fas fa-info-circle
url: about/ url: about/
rel: nofollow rel: external nofollow noopener noreferrer
- widget: category target: _self
more: - id: tui_jian
icon: fas fa-expand-arrows-alt class: list
url: blog/categories/
rel: nofollow
- widget: tagcloud
icon: fas fa-tags
icon: fas fa-expand-arrows-alt
url: blog/tags/
rel: nofollow
# - widget: related_posts # 需要安装插件 npm i -S hexo-related-popular-posts
- widget: music
icon: fas fa-compact-disc
title: "最近在听"
icon: far fa-heart
url: https://music.163.com/#/user/home?id=63035382
rel: external nofollow noopener noreferrer
target: _blank
server: netease # netease(网易云音乐)tencent(QQ音乐) xiami(虾米) kugou(酷狗)
type: playlist # song (单曲) album (专辑) playlist (歌单) search (搜索)
id: 3175833810 # 歌曲/专辑/歌单 ID
- widget: list
icon: fas fa-thumbs-up icon: fas fa-thumbs-up
title: 强烈推荐 title: 强烈推荐
rows: rows:
- name: Hexo脚本(Mac) - name: Hexo脚本(Mac)
url: https://xaoxuu.com/wiki/hexo.sh/ url: https://xaoxuu.com/wiki/hexo.sh/
rel: external nofollow noopener noreferrer
target: _blank
- name: 图床脚本(Mac) - name: 图床脚本(Mac)
url: https://xaoxuu.com/wiki/vim-cn.sh/ url: https://xaoxuu.com/wiki/vim-cn.sh/
rel: external nofollow noopener noreferrer
target: _blank
- name: 图片在线压缩 - name: 图片在线压缩
url: https://yasuotu.com url: https://yasuotu.com
rel: external nofollow noopener noreferrer
target: _blank
- name: 生成Favicon - name: 生成Favicon
url: https://realfavicongenerator.net url: https://realfavicongenerator.net
rel: external nofollow noopener noreferrer
target: _blank
- name: 简历主题 - name: 简历主题
url: https://mxclub.github.io/resume/ url: https://mxclub.github.io/resume/
rel: external nofollow noopener noreferrer
target: _blank
# 社交信息 # 社交信息配置
social: social:
- icon: fas fa-rss - icon: fas fa-rss
url: atom.xml url: atom.xml
@ -241,7 +300,6 @@ social:
# 分享按钮 # 分享按钮
# 当id为qrcode时需要安装插件 npm i -S hexo-helper-qrcode
share: share:
- id: qq - id: qq
name: QQ好友 name: QQ好友
@ -249,18 +307,18 @@ share:
- id: qzone - id: qzone
name: QQ空间 name: QQ空间
img: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/assets@19.1.9/logo/128/qzone.png img: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/assets@19.1.9/logo/128/qzone.png
# - id: qrcode # - id: qrcode # 当id为qrcode时需要安装插件 npm i -S hexo-helper-qrcode
# name: 微信 # name: 微信
# img: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/assets@19.1.9/logo/128/wechat.png # img: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/assets@19.1.9/logo/128/wechat.png
- id: weibo - id: weibo
name: 微博 name: 微博
img: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/assets@19.1.9/logo/128/weibo.png img: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/assets@19.1.9/logo/128/weibo.png
# - id: qrcode # - id: qrcode # 当id为qrcode时需要安装插件 npm i -S hexo-helper-qrcode
# name: QRcode # name: QRcode
# img: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/assets@19.1.9/logo/128/qrcode.png # img: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/xaoxuu/assets@19.1.9/logo/128/qrcode.png
footer_post: '<center>这是文章页脚,可以设置打赏图片:<br><fancybox>![](https://img.vim-cn.com/4a/5f8244a7c6e1e069a781b84ed11008e7955e16.png)</fancybox></center>' footer_post: '<blockquote>这是文章页脚,可以放置版权说明以及打赏图片。</blockquote><center><fancybox><img src="https://img.vim-cn.com/4a/5f8244a7c6e1e069a781b84ed11008e7955e16.png" width=64px></fancybox></center>'
# footer: '网页页脚文字,支持[markdown](/)' # footer: '网页页脚文字,支持[markdown](/)'

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
category: Categories
tagcloud: Hot Tags
toc: TOC
related_posts: Related Posts
post: post:
top: Top top: Top
read_more: Read More read_more: Read More
sticky: Sticky sticky: Sticky
wordcount: '%s words'
duration: '%s min'
comments: Comments comments: Comments
comments_placeholder: Unable to load %s, please make sure your network can access. comments_placeholder: Unable to load %s, please make sure your network can access.
copy_button: Copy copy_button: Copy

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
category: 文章分类
tagcloud: 热门标签
toc: 本文目录
related_posts: 相关文章
post: post:
top: 置顶 top: 置顶
read_more: 阅读全文 read_more: 阅读全文
sticky: 置顶 sticky: 置顶
wordcount: '字数:%s字'
duration: '时长:%s分钟'
comments: 评论 comments: 评论
comments_placeholder: 无法加载%s评论系统,请确保您的网络能够正常访问。 comments_placeholder: 无法加载%s评论系统,请确保您的网络能够正常访问。
copy_button: 复制 copy_button: 复制

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
category: 文章分類
tagcloud: 熱門標籤
toc: 本文目錄
related_posts: 相關文章
post: post:
top: 置頂 top: 置頂
read_more: 閱讀全文 read_more: 閱讀全文
sticky: 置頂 sticky: 置頂
wordcount: '字數:%s字'
  duration: '時長:%s分鐘'
comments: 評論 comments: 評論
comments_placeholder: 無法加載%s評論系統,請確保您的網絡能夠正常訪問。 comments_placeholder: 無法加載%s評論系統,請確保您的網絡能夠正常訪問。
copy_button: 複製 copy_button: 複製

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
category: 文章分類
tagcloud: 熱門標籤
toc: 本文目錄
related_posts: 相關文章
post: post:
top: 置頂 top: 置頂
read_more: 閱讀全文 read_more: 閱讀全文
sticky: 置頂 sticky: 置頂
wordcount: '字數:%s字'
  duration: '時長:%s分鐘'
comments: 評論 comments: 評論
comments_placeholder: 無法加載%s評論系統,請確保您的網絡能夠正常訪問。 comments_placeholder: 無法加載%s評論系統,請確保您的網絡能夠正常訪問。
copy_button: 複製 copy_button: 複製

@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
<% if(isPostList || !isPostList){ %> <% if (theme.wordcount) { %>
<% if (theme.word_count && !post.no_word_count) { %> <div class="new-meta-item wordcount">
<div class="new-meta-item wordcount"> <a class='notlink'>
<a class='notlink'> <i class="fas fa-keyboard" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<i class="fas fa-keyboard" aria-hidden="true"></i> <p><%- __('post.wordcount', wordcount(post.content))%></p>
<p>字数统计:</p> </a>
<p><%= wordcount(post.content) %>字</p> </div>
</a> <div class="new-meta-item readtime">
</div> <a class='notlink'>
<div class="new-meta-item readtime"> <i class="fas fa-hourglass-half" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<a class='notlink'> <p><%- __('post.duration', min2read(post.content))%></p>
<i class="fas fa-hourglass-half" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a>
<p>阅读时长≈</p> </div>
<p><%= min2read(post.content) %>分</p>
<% } %>
<% } %> <% } %>

@ -1,94 +1,90 @@
<% var sections = page.body ? page.body : theme.layout.article.body; %> <% var sections = page.body ? page.body : theme.layout.article.body; %>
<% if (sections.indexOf('article') > -1) { %> <% sections.forEach(function(widget_id){ %>
<article id="<%= post.layout %>" class="post white-box article-type-<%= post.layout %>" itemscope itemprop="blogPost"> <% if (widget_id == 'article') { %>
<%- partial('meta', {post: post, position: 'header'}) %> <article id="<%= post.layout %>" class="post white-box article-type-<%= post.layout %>" itemscope itemprop="blogPost">
<section class="article typo"> <%- partial('meta', {post: post, position: 'header'}) %>
<div class="article-entry" itemprop="articleBody"> <section class="article typo">
<%- post.content %> <div class="article-entry" itemprop="articleBody">
</div> <%- post.content %>
<% if(theme.footer_post){ %> <% if(theme.footer_post){ %>
<br> <br>
<%- markdown(theme.footer_post) %> <%- markdown(theme.footer_post) %>
<% } %> <% } %>
<% if(post.layout == 'post'){ %> </div>
<br> <% if(post.layout == 'post'){ %>
<%- partial('meta', {post: post, position: 'footer'}) %> <br>
<% } %> <%- partial('meta', {post: post, position: 'footer'}) %>
<% if(post.prev || post.next){ %>
<div class="prev-next">
<% if(post.prev){ %>
<section class="prev">
<span class="art-item-left">
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<%- items.join(' ') %>
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<%- items.join(' ') %>
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@ -1,44 +1,32 @@
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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
data-mode="<%- aplayer_mode != undefined ? aplayer_mode : theme.music.mode %>" data-mode="<%- aplayer_mode != undefined ? aplayer_mode : theme.music.mode %>"
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data-volume="<%= aplayer_volume != undefined ? aplayer_volume : theme.music.volume %>"> data-volume="<%= aplayer_volume != undefined ? aplayer_volume : theme.music.volume %>">
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@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<section class='widget <%- item.widget %>'> <section class='widget <%- item.class %>'>
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<%- markdown(item.body) %> <%- markdown(item.subtitle) %>
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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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<a class="rightBtn<%- item.more.animate ? ' ' + item.more.animate : '' %>" <a class="rightBtn<%- item.more.animate ? ' ' + item.more.animate : '' %>"

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<section class='widget <%- item.widget %>'> <section class='widget <%- item.class %>'>
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<% (item.rows||[]).forEach(function(row){ %> <% (item.rows||[]).forEach(function(row){ %>

@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ if (page.widget && page.widget.music == false) {
%> %>
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<%- partial('header', {item: item, defIcon: '', defTitle: ''}) %> <%- partial('header', {item: item}) %>
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{aplayer_theme: item.color, aplayer_mini: false, aplayer_mode: item.mode, {aplayer_theme: item.color, aplayer_mini: false, aplayer_mode: item.mode,
aplayer_server: item.server, aplayer_type: item.type, aplayer_id: item.id, aplayer_server: item.server, aplayer_type: item.type, aplayer_id: item.mid,
aplayer_volume: item.volume, aplayer_autoplay: item.autoplay?item.autoplay:false }) %> aplayer_volume: item.volume, aplayer_autoplay: item.autoplay?item.autoplay:false }) %>
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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
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<%- partial('header', {item: item, defIcon: '', defTitle: ''}) %>
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<%- markdown(item.body) %>

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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min_font: 14, min_font: item.min_font,
max_font: 24, max_font: item.max_font,
color: true, color: item.color,
start_color: item.start_color ? item.start_color : '#999', start_color: item.start_color,
end_color: item.end_color ? item.end_color : '#555', end_color: item.end_color,
}) %> }) %>
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<section class='widget <%- item.class?item.class:'text' %>'>
<%- partial('header', {item: item}) %>
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<%- markdown(item.body) %>

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<% if(page.layout == 'post' && page.content && toc(page.content).length > 0){ %> <% if(page.layout == 'post' && page.content && toc(page.content).length > 0){ %>
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<%- toc(page.content, {list_number: false}) %> <%- toc(page.content, {list_number: item.list_number, max_depth: item.max_depth}) %>
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<% } %> <% } %>

@ -10,15 +10,14 @@
<h2><%- page.title %></h2> <h2><%- page.title %></h2>
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<%- tagcloud(site.tags, { <%- tagcloud(site.tags, {
min_font: 16, min_font: item.min_font,
max_font: 32, max_font: item.max_font,
color: false, color: item.color,
start_color: item.start_color ? item.start_color : '#999', start_color: item.start_color,
end_color: item.end_color ? item.end_color : '#666', end_color: item.end_color,
}) %> }) %>
<% } %> <% } %>
<% }) %> <% }) %>

@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
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overflow: auto; overflow: auto;

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
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&.author{ &.blogger{
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@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
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@ -193,12 +194,12 @@
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